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Environmental Policy

Vision, Core Values, Mission, & Organizational Beliefs

The FLETC mission is to train those who protect our homeland. To accomplish this mission, FLETC strives to provide the highest level of quality training to future law enforcement personnel at each of the four facilities. At the same time, FLETC conserves area natural resources for future generations. In order to achieve this goal, we recognize it is necessary to continue to improve environmental management practices in all aspects of daily operations. We will remain committed to integrating environmental accountability into day-to-day decision making, planning processes, activities and functions. The FLETC shall implement the following principles to ensure that FLETC will make continuous improvements to accomplish these goals and objectives.

  1. Comply with all applicable legal and other requirements by implementing an environmental compliance audit program with policies that emphasize pollution prevention as a means to achieve and maintain compliance.
  2. Protect the environment through the reduction or elimination of the use of toxic substances and the reduction or elimination of the discharge of toxic materials to the environment with the exception of mission critical substances that will be minimized, recycled or disposed in an environmentally safe manner.
  3. Utilize pollution prevention, effective FLETC management, and sound acquisition procurement practices to reduce to the maximum extent practicable the release of hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste into the environment.
  4. Maintain good corporate relations with the surrounding communities and neighborhoods, working closely with them to anticipate, plan, and address their concerns regarding environmental stewardship.
  5. Promote sustainable management of our lands through implementation of cost-effective environmentally sound landscaping practices and programs to reduce adverse impacts to the natural environment.
  6. Communicate the environmental policy and pertinent environmental changes or decisions in a timely manner to all persons working for or on behalf of the FLETC, including our employees, contractors, and affiliated personnel.
Environment Policy Signature
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