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Work Areas

Rural Community Development

Volunteers in the rural community development project work with community organizations and associations to strengthen the organizations and communities in general. Volunteers are working in elementary and high schools teaching English where tourism is a high priority for these communities. Other Volunteers work in collaboration with local women's groups to generate incomes for their daily living. Many Volunteers work with youth groups on a variety of projects focusing on healthy development and future options.

Youth Development

Volunteers in the youth project work with children, youth and families at risk in marginalized communities. Volunteers work on domestic violence issues, HIV/AIDS education, adolescent reproductive health initiatives and life skills training to empower and provide young people and families with information to lead healthy, competent lives.

Micro Enterprise Development

Volunteers work with micro-enterprises (especially women's groups), entrepreneurs, and cooperatives to strengthen skills in business planning and management. Volunteers also work with micro-enterprises and rural community groups to promote responsible development of eco-tourism and environmental conservation and to develop and manage other community projects.

Last updated Sep 27 2008

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Costa Rica Projects

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Vital Statistics

Population Average
4 million
Program Dates
1963 - present
Number of Volunteers
Total Volunteers to Date
Languages Spoken


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