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Read Ed Mierzwinski's blog.


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Our Top Priority

Making Health Care Work

Americans pay way too much for health care, but their care is too often denied or delayed by insurance industry red tape. 

This year we have a chance to rein in skyrocketing health care costs and bring some peace of mind to American families… if all Americans demand that Congress pass comprehensive health reform.





PIRG Highlights

From The Newsroom

Historic budget passed

You spoke up and Congress listened. The actions of thousands of U.S. PIRG members helped assure that Congress passed President Barack Obama's historic budget on April 30.

With calls, letters to the editors, events on Tax Day and visits to representatives' offices, you made it clear that you wanted a budget that begins to overhaul the nation’s health care system, makes college more accessible, and eliminates wasteful subsidies.

The Credit Card Bill passed the House, now it's up to the Senate

On April 30, the U.S. House of Representatives passed Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)’s Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights with a stunning 357-70 vote.

We need your to help make sure the Credit CARD Act passes in the Senate.

Sign our petition!

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See Ed on CNBC