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Country and Culture

Geography and Climate

Honduras is the second largest of the Central American republics, with an area of 112,496 square kilometers, roughly the size of Ohio. It is bordered on the northwest by Guatemala, on the southwest by El Salvador, and on the southeast by Nicaragua.

Honduras is a mountainous country, with ranges from 3,000 to 9,000 feet in altitude covering 80 percent of the nation. Though fertile valleys and plateaus lie between the mountains and in the coastal areas, it is estimated that only 15 percent of the landmass is arable. About 45 percent of the land is covered with forest.

The prevailing climate pattern is characterized by a wet season from May through October and a dry season from November to April.

Economy and Government

Approximately 65 percent of the population is classified as rural, although migration to urban areas is contributing to the urbanization of Honduras.

Agriculture and forestry are the bases of the economy, providing 60 percent of all jobs and two-thirds of the nation's exports. The major products for export are shrimp, watermelons, sugar, timber, bananas, meat, and coffee. There is a growing number of assembly plants in Honduras dedicated to the textile and clothing industries called maquiladoras. Honduras also exports small quantities of gold and silver, but its mineral resources are largely unexplored.

Honduras is a constitutional republic. Its current president, Manuel “Mel" Zelaya, was elected as in November 2005.


Honduran society is a mixture of Hispanic and Indian traditions rapidly being influenced by Western values. The extended family is the basic social unit and kinship ties are strong. The population of Honduras is 90 percent mestizo, with the balance consisting of Amerindians, black Caribs (Garifuna) along the north coast, and people of European, Chinese, and Arab descent.

Spanish is universally spoken although minority groups also speak Garifuna and some indigenous dialects. Most Hondurans are Roman Catholics; however other Christian denominations have been enjoying greater acceptance in recent years.

Last updated Sep 27 2008

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Vital Statistics

Population Average
6.5 million
Program Dates
Number of Volunteers
Total Volunteers to Date
Languages Spoken
Mi`skito, Spanish


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