scissors scissors
Mix and Place Your Question and Hazard! Cards Here

Game Instructions

Step 1 (setting up the game)

Materials Needed: Scissors, dice, printer.
Printing Note: Be sure that "print background" is selected. For Internet Explorer Users, Go to Tools>Internet Options, then Advanced Tab. Scroll down to Printing section and select "Print background colors and images"

Print the Four (4) Game Boards, questions, and Hazard! cards.

With Scissors, cut pieces along the line.

Mix the question and Hazard! cards together, and place on the card piece that says "Mix and Place Your Question and Hazard! Cards Here."

Turn the animal game pieces upside down and each player selects a game piece. The order of the turn will be: Fox (1st), Rabbit (2nd), Owl (3rd), Turtle (4th).

Step 2 (playing the game)

Obtain one die (dice).

To see who starts first, each person rolls the die. Highest number goes first. If a tie occurs, each person re-rolls.

Player 1 draws a card. If it is a question card, and the player answers it correctly, they can then roll the die and move forward the number shown on the die. If the player answers it wrong, then the player does not move forward.

After the play, then it becomes the other persons turn to draw a card.

The first person to reach the "End" in board 4 wins the game!


game piece

game piece

game piece

game piece