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Santa Fe High School Students Write To Students From Puerto Rico

Dear Fellow Student: I am very sorry about the hurricane, but it is over now. I hope you were able to fix up your house, and that your valuable possessions are not damaged. I have a friend who is in the sixth grade. He lives with me and he is from the Dominican Republic. He cried all night because his family still is over there. It's really scary. Did you get to fix up your school? Because it is very important that you get an education.
Your friend, Justin

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I am sorry to hear that Hurricane Georges happened to you all. I hope that your families are doing fine and well. I hope you all have homes and schools. We got lucky that Georges didn't hit us, but I wish it didn't hit anyone. It should have turned and gone out to sea.
Sincerely, Brandon

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Dear Fellow Student, I'm very sorry for what happened. If I could make it better, I would. I hope that you all will be able to start a new life. I will be praying for you and your family. May God bless you.
Your friend, Roderick

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Dear Fellow Student, I'm very, very sorry that Hurricane Georges hit your country. I hope that you and everybody else is safe and sound. I also hope that your family and friends are not hurt or killed. About your school, I hope that you and your friends can go to school and learn more. I also hope your home and other's homes can be re-built.
Sincerely, Calvin

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Dear Fellow Student, I am writing this letter to show the pain and sorrow that I feel right now. I hope you still have your family and friends. I hope your schools are still intact so you may finish your learning process. I hope that you were able to save some of your prize possessions. I hope your home can be rebuilt and you will still have the things that are important to you. I try not to worry so you should try to do the same thing.

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Dear Fellow Student, I hope you are able to recover from your hurricane problem. Unfortunately, you guys were hit hard. My name is John. My family background is from Spain. However, I can't speak my native language (Spanish) very well. I hope to learn it. I hope you are safe and you are able to learn in the schools and sleep in your homes.

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Dear Fellow Student, How's it going over there? Probably not so good because of the hurricane. I'm from High Springs, Florida. I'm sorry if someone in your family was hurt. If so, send my apology to them.

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Dear Fellow Student. I am sorry that your homes were destroyed by Hurricane Georges. Hope you and your family are doing OK. Don't let it get you down. Keep your head up.

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