ESRL's Strong Presence at Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds

On April 23-24, the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds will be hosting its 2nd Annual Conference at the National Defense University in Washington D.C. ESRL's Eric Hackathorn will represent NOAA throughout the conference as panel member and presenter. Hackathorn leads NOAA's Virtual World program, is founder of NOAA's Second Life Island, co-chair of the Metrics and Research Working Group at the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds, and co-creator of SciLands, an international user community that promotes science and technology on its own mini-continent in Second Life.

Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds Trailer from Eric Hackathorn on Vimeo.

The Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds is a newly formed group of federal government employees and contractors interested in exploring the use of virtual worlds in government, sharing best practices and policies, creating shared repositories, and networking. This conference will stream live to several virtual worlds including Second Life, Forterra, Protosphere, Vast-Park, and 3DXplorer, and host over 30 current government virtual worlds' project poster sessions.

NOAA can connect with masses of citizens as never before through social software systems. Staying current on understanding and implementing these systems is vital to our outreach efforts. This new style of communicating, wholly embraced by our current Administration, creates an immense opportunity for the government to accomplish a variety of missions, drive change, provide transparency, and develop policy.

Contact information
Name: Eric J Hackathorn
Tel: 303-497-6831