
10/24/2008 -- The NOAA Strategic Plan for FY 2009 - 2014 has been posted at and linked below. A technical adjustment conducted this year with NEP and NEC approval, and in accordance with GPRA and PART, keeps the strategic plan current and relevant. The last extensive internal and public review of NOAA’s strategic plan occurred in April of 2005 and resulted in the NOAA Strategic Plan for FY 2005 – 2010; subsequent minor changes resulted in the NOAA Strategic Plan for FY 2006 – 2011. This update for FY 2009 – 2014 is timely in light of the upcoming administration transition. Retaining the basic structure of the 2006 strategic plan, this update

  • retains NOAA’s Vision, Mission, and Goals,
  • better describes NOAA’s functions and structure,
  • updates Mission Goal & Sub-goal Objectives and Sub-goal Outcomes,
  • describes Programs that constitute Mission Goals and Sub-goals,
  • better characterizes the environment in which NOAA works, and
  • describes key successes on the road to strategic outcomes.

NOAA's Strategic Plan - FY 2009 - 2014

Strategic Plan: NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research — FY 2005 - 2010

Research in NOAA: Toward Understanding and Predicting Earth's Environment — A Five-Year Plan: Fiscal Years 2005-2009

One-page summary of 5-Year Research Plan

Understanding Global Ecosystems to Support Informed Decision-Making — A 20-Year Research Vision

One-page summary of 20-Year Research Vision