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The Southwest Region's Sustainable Fisheries Division administers fishery management, grant, trade and industry services programs from the Regional Office in Long Beach, California. Our goal is to manage the recreational and commercial fisheries of our region to provide a sustainable harvest that provides the greatest overall benefit to the nation. We work with the Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council to develop policies and regulations for fishing in the ocean between three and two hundred miles from the shore of California. We provide grants to states to help them be full partners in the fishery management programs. We advise the Department of State (DOS) in negotiating international and high seas fisheries agreements, and we help DOS to negotiate more favorable trade agreements for U.S. fishery product exports by providing DOS up-to-date information on the trends in international seafood trade and identifying barriers to U.S. products. We manage observer programs for monitoring and interaction/mortality of protected species in the California set net and driftnet fisheries. We also issue permits for High Seas and Pacific Highly Migratory Species fishing.

As part of our fishery management program, we collect data on fishery operations, seafood markets, and fisheries trade. We publish the information we collect annually in FISHERIES OF THE UNITED STATES. We administer grant programs that enhance State fishery agency programs (Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act and Anadromous Fisheries Conservation Act Grants) and that support industry innovation and research (Saltonstall-Kennedy grants). We also assist states in developing and implementing data collection and management systems.

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