Title 50--Wildlife and Fisheries



TEXT PDF660.1 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF660.2 Relation to other laws.
TEXT PDF660.3 Reporting and recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF660.11 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF660.12 Definitions.
TEXT PDF660.13 Permits and fees.
TEXT PDF660.14 Reporting and recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF660.15 Prohibitions.
TEXT PDF660.16 Vessel identification.
TEXT PDF660.17 Experimental fishing.
TEXT PDF660.21 Permits.
TEXT PDF660.22 Prohibitions.
TEXT PDF660.23 Notifications.
TEXT PDF660.24 Gear identification.
TEXT PDF660.25 Vessel monitoring system.
TEXT PDF660.26 Longline fishing prohibited area management.
TEXT PDF660.27 Exemptions for longline fishing prohibited areas; procedures.
TEXT PDF660.28 Conditions for at-sea observer coverage.
TEXT PDF660.29 Port privileges and transiting for unpermitted U.S. longline vessels.
TEXT PDF660.30 Prohibition of drift gillnetting.
TEXT PDF660.31 Framework adjustments to management measures.
TEXT PDF660.32 Sea turtle take mitigation measures.
TEXT PDF660.33 Hawaii emergency closure.
TEXT PDF660.34 Hawaii emergency longline fishing restrictions.
TEXT PDF660.35 Seabird take mitigation measures.
TEXT PDF660.36 Protected species workshop.
TEXT PDF660.41 Permits.
TEXT PDF660.42 Prohibitions.
TEXT PDF660.43 Notifications.
TEXT PDF660.44 Lobster size and condition restrictions--Permit Area 2.
TEXT PDF660.45 Closed seasons.
TEXT PDF660.46 Closed areas.
TEXT PDF660.47 Gear identification.
TEXT PDF660.48 Gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF660.49 At-sea observer coverage.
TEXT PDF660.50 Harvest limitation program.
TEXT PDF660.51 Monk seal protective measures.
TEXT PDF660.52 Monk seal emergency protective measures.
TEXT PDF660.53 Framework procedures.
TEXT PDF660.54 Five-year review.
TEXT PDF660.61 Permits.
TEXT PDF660.62 Prohibitions.
TEXT PDF660.63 Notification.
TEXT PDF660.64 Gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF660.65 At-sea observer coverage.
TEXT PDF660.66 Protected species conservation.
TEXT PDF660.67 Framework for regulatory adjustments.
TEXT PDF660.68 Fishing moratorium on Hancock Seamount.
TEXT PDF660.69 Management subareas.
TEXT PDF660.81 Permits.
TEXT PDF660.82 Prohibitions.
TEXT PDF660.83 Seasons.
TEXT PDF660.84 Quotas.
TEXT PDF660.85 Closures.
TEXT PDF660.86 Size restrictions.
TEXT PDF660.87 Area restrictions.
TEXT PDF660.88 Gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF660.89 Framework procedures.
TEXT PDF660.301 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF660.302 Definitions.
TEXT PDF660.303 Reporting and recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF660.304 Management areas.
TEXT PDF660.305 Vessel identification.
TEXT PDF660.306 Prohibitions.
TEXT PDF660.321 Specifications and management measures.
TEXT PDF660.322 Gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF660.323 Catch restrictions.
TEXT PDF660.324 Pacific Coast treaty Indian fisheries.
TEXT PDF660.331 Limited entry and open access fisheries--general.
TEXT PDF660.332 Allocations.
TEXT PDF660.333 Limited entry fishery-eligibility and registration.
TEXT PDF660.334 Limited entry permits-endorsements.
TEXT PDF660.335 Limited entry permits--renewal, combination, stacking, change of permit ownership or permit holdership, and transfer.
TEXT PDF660.338 Limited entry permits-small fleet.
TEXT PDF660.339 Limited entry permit fees.
TEXT PDF660.340 Limited entry permit appeals.
TEXT PDF660.341 Limited entry permit sanctions.
TEXT PDF660.350 Compensation with fish for collecting resource information--exempted fishing permits off Washington, Oregon, and California.
TEXT PDF660.360 Groundfish observer program.
TEXT PDF660.401 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF660.402 Definitions.
TEXT PDF660.403 Relation to other laws.
TEXT PDF660.404 Recordkeeping and reporting.
TEXT PDF660.405 Prohibitions.
TEXT PDF660.406 Exempted fishing.
TEXT PDF660.407 Treaty Indian fishing.
TEXT PDF660.408 Annual actions.
TEXT PDF660.409 Inseason actions.
TEXT PDF660.410 Conservation objectives.
TEXT PDF660.411 Notification and publication procedures.
TEXT PDF660.501 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF660.502 Definitions.
TEXT PDF660.503 Management subareas.
TEXT PDF660.504 Vessel identification.
TEXT PDF660.505 Prohibitions.
TEXT PDF660.506 Gear restrictions.
TEXT PDF660.507 Closed areas to reduction fishing.
TEXT PDF660.508 Annual specifications.
TEXT PDF660.509 Closure of directed fishery.
TEXT PDF660.510 Fishing seasons.
TEXT PDF660.511 Catch restrictions.
TEXT PDF660.512 Limited entry fishery.
TEXT PDF660.513 Permit conditions.
TEXT PDF660.514 Transferability.
TEXT PDF660.515 Renewal of limited entry permits.
TEXT PDF660.516 Exempted fishing.
TEXT PDF660.517 Framework for revising regulations.
TEXT PDF660.518 Pacific Coast Treaty Indian Rights.
TEXT PDF660.519 Scientific observers.

