Systems Development

Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS)

This project provides value-added, quality-controlled observations from GSD's Central Facility for the purpose of supporting meteorological research. Included in MADIS is software to make it easy to read the observations.

Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS)

The Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) provides the most complete source of aviation-related weather information on the Internet. In addition to providing conventional products and observations, ADDS provides state-of-the-art graphical forecasts for icing, turbulence, and convection, along with advanced interactive methods for viewing those forecasts. ADDS is being developed jointly by ESRL/GSD, the Research Applications Program of NCAR, and the NWS Aviation Weather Center; funding is provided by the FAA Aviation Weather Research Program.

Volcanic Ash Coordination Tool (VACT)

Collaborative decision-making tool for forecasting dispersion of volcanic ash.


The goal of this project is to develop a workstation that will support modernized National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Forecast Office (WFO) operations.

Interactive Forecast Preparation System (IFPS)

This is the system designed for interactive graphical forecast preparation in AWIPS, the modernized weather forecast office display system.


FX-Net is a network-based meteorological workstation that provides access to the basic display capability of an AWIPS workstation via the Internet. FX-Net is intended to be an inexpensive PC workstation system for use in a variety of forecast, training, education, and research applications where the full capabilities of a WFO-Advanced type system are not required.

Advanced Linux Prototype System (ALPS)

The original objective of ALPS was to help the National Weather Service accelerate the transition to an all-Linux AWIPS system architecture and to address some associated near-term AWIPS system challenges. Once these initial goals were met, ALPS has served as a platform to explore extensions to the current architecture, including such capabilities as a discovery-based plugin mechanism, interactive drawing tools, simplified addition of new datasets,and integration of non-weather ("One NOAA") global datasets.


FX-Collaborate is an exploratory development to prototype and evaluate advanced workstation concepts. The FXC workstation features some of the basic capabilities of an AWIPS workstation and provides enhanced capabilities such as real-time collaboration, a comprehensive drawing tool, Web access, (limited) telephony, an integrated slide presentation, and Internet access to multiple data servers.

Traffic Management Unit (TMU)

The development of tactical and strategic weather displays of convection, icing, turbulence, and visibility for Traffic Managers.

Range Standardization and Automation (RSA)

Since 2001, GSD has been supporting the Air Force Range Standardization and Automation (RSA) program. Based on the National Weather Service's Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS), a system has been tailored by GSD to support space launch operations at the Western (Vandenberg) and Eastern (Cape Canaveral) Ranges. A major goal of this work is to replace legacy systems with an integrated weather display, thus improving the Launch Weather Officers' effectiveness and efficiency.

AWIPS HazCollect

AWIPS portion of an automated message handling system that will collect and disseminate nonweather hazardous event information to the public

Display 3D

This system is designed for operational forecasters to view model output and real-time meteorological data in a three-dimensional interactive display.

Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination System (LDAD)

In association with its modernization program, GSD had developed a Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination System (LDAD) that includes a WWW based weather dissemination system. This development effort includes conducting experiments to determine the use of advanced meteorological information by local government operations. Local emergency preparedness agencies (involving emergency preparedness, sheriff and police departments) can gain great benefit from appropriate information about local weather hazards. The LDAD WWW Dissemination system uses high-resolution weather datasets produced by AWIPS.