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IA Courseware Evaluation Program

The goal of the Information Assurance Courseware Evaluation (IACE) Program is to expand the use of national standards in information assurance education and training throughout the nation.

IACE systematically assesses the degree to which courseware from commercial, government, and academic sources maps to the national standards set by the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS).

Certified institutions meet the minimum standards for the duties and responsibilities of:

  • Information Systems Security (INFOSEC) Professionals, NSTISSI 4011
  • Senior Systems Managers, CNSSI 4012
  • System Administrators (SA), CNSSI 4013
  • Information Systems Security Officers, CNSSI 4014
  • System Certifiers, NSTISSI 4015
  • Risk Analyst, CNSSI 4016

The certification process does not address the quality of the presentation of the material within the courseware; it simply ensures that all the elements of a specific standard are included.

Successful IACE mapping is a prerequisite for applying to the National Centers of Academic Excellence in IA Education Program.

The IACE Process

Applicants electronically enter courseware information (map) via a secure interactive web site.

After validation that all the specific standard elements are met, the IACE awards certificates to successful applicants at the annual Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education. The certificates are valid for a period five years (June - June).

1 March - First day to begin mapping for certification/recertification in June of the following calendar year.

31 August - Last day to submit mapping as a pre-requisite for designation/re-designation as a National Centers of Academic Excellence in IA Education (CAE) in June of the following year.

15 January - Last day to submit mapping for certification/recertification in June of that year.

6 January - 28 February - Database will be "read-only" (unavailable for mapping).

Recertification is required every five years. It is the responsibility of the organization or institution to re-apply.

Obtaining an IACE Account

Send an email to with the following information:

Institution name (as it will appear on the application).
Institution point of contact (POC) (first name, middle initial, last name).
The POC's email address and telephone number


Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service