NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region
Upper Columbia ESA Salmon Recovery Sub-Domain

This recovery planning sub-domain consists of the Columbia River and its tributaries upstream of the confluence of the Yakima River to the base of Chief Joseph Dam. It includes six major sub-basins(Crab, Wenatchee, Entiat, Lake Chelan, Methow, Okanogan), several smaller watersheds, and the mainstem Columbia River. This sub-domain has two ESA-listed population segments: upper Columbia spring-run Chinook salmon and upper Columbia steelhead.

The Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Boardnon-U.S.-gov't link directs recovery planning in the Upper Columbia Basin, with funding from the Governor's Salmon Recovery Office, Upper Columbia Regionnon-U.S.-gov't link. Local stakeholder assistance with recovery planning in the upper Columbia involves Douglasnon-U.S.-gov't link, Chelannon-U.S.-gov't link and Okanogannon-U.S.-gov't link counties, state and tribal-sponsored recovery efforts, sub-basin planning, and watershed planning.


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Page last updated: July 10, 2008
