Solar Cycle Progression
Presented by the NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center

The charts on this page depict the progression of the Solar Cycle. The charts and tables are updated by the Space Weather Prediction Center monthly using the latest ISES predictions. Observed values are initially the preliminary values which are replaced with the final values as they become available.

Recent Changes to Solar Cycle Values and Plots

March 2, 2009 -- The Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Panel has not issued any updates to their prediction.   However, the Space Weather Prediction Center, and the Chair of the Prediction Panel decided to implement what they believe to be an obvious change to the plotted data.  The two predictions, of maximum being either a SSN of 90 or a SSN of 140 remain intact.  Once the date of solar minimum is known, that is all the information needed to arrive at a prediction curve.  The panel prediction of solar minimum in March, 2008 has been eclipsed.  Minimum will now occur no earlier than August, 2008.  For every month beyond March 2008 that minimum slips, it is necessary to shift the prediction curves by the same amount.  SWPC commenced doing so in mid-February and will continue to do so, unless or until the prediction panel sets a new predicted date for the time of solar minimum.

Description of Solar Cycle Progression displays
Table of Recent Solar Indices (Preliminary) of Observed Monthly Mean Values
Table of Predicted Values With Expected Ranges -- High Prediction Table -- Low Prediction Table

Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Issued April 2007, updated May 2008

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