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Case: Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, WA

Site History: Hazardous substances were released from a wood-treatment facility beginning early in the 20th century, and also from a shipyard.

Location: Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, Washington.


Case status: A settlement was reached with Pacific Sound Resources/Wyckoff which provided funds to the Trustees to restore injured natural resources in Eagle Harbor. The Trustees are currently involved in restoration planning using these settlement funds. Additionally, the Trustees are currently evaluating the potential for injuries to natural resources from other releases of hazardous substances in Eagle Harbor.

Overview: Approximately 500 acres of Eagle Harbor were contaminated by releases of hazardous substances from the former Wyckoff Company wood treatment facility and from a shipyard that is now operated by the Washington State Department of Transportation/Washington State Ferries. Contaminants released include polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), mercury, and heavy metals. NOAA studies showed that there were adverse effects to English Sole, and it is likely that other resources were injured as well. In 1985, the Bremerton-Kitsap County Health District (BKCHD) issued a health advisory against eating shellfish from Eagle Harbor.

TheWyckoff facility and Eagle Harbor was proposed as a Superfund site in 1985 and was listed on the National Priority List (NPL) in 1987. The Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund site is divided into three Operable Units (OUs): 1) East Harbor OU-1, 2) Wyckoff facility OU-2, and 3) West Harbor OU-3. Remedial actions have been completed and the remedy effectiveness is currently being monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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