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Case: Passaic River/Newark Bay, NJ

Site history: Depending upon the contaminant of concern, the amounts discharged have varied over time.

Location: The Lower Passaic River and Greater Newark Bay Watershed.


Case status: Two Cooperative Assessment Agreements were signed with the Federal Trustees (DOI and NOAA) and 23 Potential Responsible Parties for the Diamond Alkali Superfund Site, NJ. The purpose of the Interim Agreement is to provide funding and a framework for a cooperative plan to assess possible injuries to the environment, as well as losses to the public, that may have been caused by hazardous substance releases at this Superfund site. 

Overview: State and federal natural resource trustees are assessing possible injuries to the environment, as well as losses to human services, caused by releases of hazardous substances in the Lower Passaic River and Greater Newark Bay Complex. This highly industrialized and urbanized region has a long history of degraded water quality, sediment contamination, loss of wetlands, and abandoned or underused properties along its shores. Dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and other contaminants in this ecosystem have impaired natural resources (such as fish, shellfish, and wildlife), their habitats (such as wetlands and mudflats), and/or human use of these resources. The extent of contamination and its effect on natural resources and their services will determine the amount and type of restoration needed to address any associated injuries.

The federal trustees and the NJDEP have signed a memorandum of agreement to coordinate their activities. They are coordinating with other federal and state agencies on cleanup and watershed restoration activities.

  • Public Involvement
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  • Remedial/Injury Assessment
  • Restoration Activities
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