Performing Arts Encyclopedia
Explore music, theater, and dance at the Library of Congress

|| Upcoming Concerts & Events ||
May 6-7 - The Sound of Broadway Music: A Symposium on Orchestrators and Orchestrations
May 8 at 8:00pm - Ethos Percussion Group
May 9 at 2:00pm - LECTURE/RECITAL, "The Revolutionary Violin"
|| Felix Mendelssohn ||
In honor of the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth, the Library highlights a series of rare holograph manuscripts along with a series of essays on his life and work.
|| Music and the Brain ||
Lectures, conversations and symposia about the explosion of new research at the intersection of cognitive neuroscience and music.
|| Rare Musical Instruments ||
Musical Instruments at the Library of Congress includes recordings, articles, and photos of the Library's collection of string, wind and folk instruments.
|| West Side Story ||
An online exhibition highlights music and memorabilia from the Library's Leonard Bernstein collection on the 50th anniversary of this extraordinary work.
|| Performing Arts Resource Guide ||
Search and browse descriptions of more than 235 music, theater and dance resources by subject, title, or name.
more information
Browse by Subject
Browse by Name (person or group)
Browse by Title of Resource
Note: to search for digital items, use the search box on the left side of this page.
|| Special Presentations ||
- African-American Band Music
- Amazing Grace
- American Choral Music
- Baseball Sheet Music
- Civil War Sheet Music
- Dolly Parton & Country Music
- Elliott Carter Centennial
- Felix Mendelssohn
- Gerry Mulligan Collection
- Great Conversations in Music
- Guarneri "Twin" Violins
- Historic Sheet Music, 1800-1922
- Katherine Dunham Collection
- Library of Congress Publications
- Library of Congress Concerts
- Life in 19th-Century Ohio
- The March King: John Philip Sousa
- Musical Instruments at the Library
- Patriotic Melodies
- Presidential Campaign Songs
- Ragtime
- Roger Reynolds Collection
- Song of America
- Transit of Venus March
|| Databases & Online Catalogs ||
- Chasanoff/Elozua
"Amazing Grace" Collection
search a database of recordings - Jazz
on the Screen
search a filmography created by David Meeker - Traditional
Music & Spoken Word
search catalog from the American Folklife Center
Last Updated: 05/04/2009