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NOAA has a site license for EndNote, ProCite, and Reference Manager from ISI Researchsoft. All NOAA researchers and library staff are entitled to install all three software products and any updates on their desktop at no additional charge.

What Does This Mean to You as a NOAA Researcher or Library Staff Employee?

You can download the software and use it on your desktop. The contract also covers technical support and training classes at no additional charge. Manuals can be purchased separately for $15 from ISI ResearchSoft. The manuals are also electronically available as part of your product installation files at no charge.

A word about software maintenance plans. NOAA’s contract period of performance is August 22, 2007 through August 21, 2010 (base year with 2 option years). NOAA’s contract covers technical support and on-site training at no additional charge. The renewal fee covers all upgrades when new versions of the products are released.

A word about home use rights. NOAA's contract includes home use rights to the software applications. The download site is set up with restricted access, so you will need to contact your local systems administrator to provide you with CD installation media.

A word about Section 508 compliance. ISI ResearchSoft supports the Government's initiative to provide 508 compliant software products. ISI ResearchSoft's response on how the products meet the standards is posted on the NITES Section 508 web page.

A word about Open Enrollment Classes via the web. For its site license customers, ISIResearchSoft offers no charge webex classes. Please visit any of the urls below to fill out and submit a training request form. Indicate "web based" for "Group Training Preference" and the instructor, Ms. Donna Kirking, will follow up on your request with an email of the upcoming class schedule. Email your enrollment request back to for one of the dates and times that works for you. Donna will then register you for the class and send an enrollment confirmation and instructions for logging onto the WebEx and teleconferencing session.

EndNote Training Application Form
Reference Manager Application Form
ProCite Application Form
RefViz Application Form

OAR hosts an ftp download site for all NOAA organizations. Simply download and install the products using the files that support your hardware platform.

The website can only be accessed by NOAA employees.

EndNote Product Information

EndNote X1 for both MacIntosh and Windows is now available!
To see what's new in EndNote X1 visit the EndNoteX1 web page.

MacIntosh: The volume and site license unlocked installer has been created and can be downloaded directly from the FTP site.

Windows: Please read these instructions before installing. The installation is not as straightforward.

To install, you will need to run the ENX1Inst.msi program. This is located in the MSI directory in the zip files you have just downloaded, along with the license.dat file.

Please contact your local IT systems Administrator when installing this software since it requires administrative privileges.

A Connection file for the NOAA Libraries' Catalog, courtesy of Mary Ann Cumberpatch, Central Library, is also available for download from the ftp site.

A note on EndNote Web: To take advantage of the transfer feature to and from EndNote Web, you will need to install EndNote X1 (EndNote X.0.2 for MacIntosh until August).

Quick guidance: Registering for EndNote Web:

1) Go to the ISI Web of Knowlege home page.

2) Go to the lower right hand corner of the screen and click on "Go to the EndNote Web Library."

3) The registration page will be returned; go to the upper left hand corner of the screen and click on "Please register for more features" to fill in the online registration form.

4) Submit the form, accept the end user licensing agreement terms and conditions, and the EndNote Web library home page will be returned. There is even a guided tour on the page you can take to help you get familiar with EndNote Web.

Please note that access to this web page is authenticated and you must be a NOAA system user to access EndNote Web.

Additional EndNote files created for NOAA by ISIResearchsoft at the request of Ashville librarian Linda Preston that may be useful to you are under the EndNote 8.0 directory:

NOAA.enz - Connection file to the NOAA Central Library catalog (add to the Connection folder).
Ameri Meteorological Society.ens - AMS bibliographic style (replace the file of the same name in the Styles folder).
Ameri Meteorological - AMS manuscript template (add to the Template folder).

After installation of the Endnote application software, these file folders can be found under your C:\Program Files\EndNote directory.

ProCite Product Information
ProCite 5 for Windows 95-98-NT-2000
ProCite 5 for Macintosh
ProCite 5 Guided Tour (included with the installation as a separate file)

Reference Manager Product Information
Reference Manager 11 for Windows (single user version)
Reference Manager 11 for Windows (multi user version)
Reference Manager 11 Guided Tour (included with the software)

NOAA Points of Contact

Jeremy Warren
(301) 713-9040 ext.169

Charlie MacFarland
(301) 713-0574

Call either Jeremy or Charlie if you have a technical question that needs to be coordinated with ISI ResearchSoft.

If you need to access the download website and are denied access, please contact Jeremy.

ISI ResearchSoft Point of Contact

To order manuals or Reference Web Poster or for other non-technical questions, contact

Kristin Culp
Government Account Manager
1 800 336-4474 ext.1612

ISI ResearchSoft's website:

Reference Manager Technical Support

For general information, bibliographic output styles, importing forms and plug-ins, cite-while-you-write information and most updates

Sign-up for a User FTP site
Sign-up for Discussion List

Technical Support On-Line Database

Contact Tech Support directly

EndNote Technical Support

For an interactive tutorial, general information, tip sheets, Z39.50 connection files, bibliographic output styles, importing forms and plug-ins, and most updates

Sign-up for a User list serv

Technical Support On-Line Database

Contact Tech Support directly

ProCite Technical Support

For general information, bibliographic output styles, importing forms and plug-ins, cite-while-you-write information, Z39.50 hosts, and most updates

Sign-up for a Discussion List

Technical Support On-Line Database

Contact Tech Support directly for Windows or MAC

Other ISI ResearchSoft Products: Web of Science

1) indexes 5,800 leading international scientific journals by subject, author, and journal;
2) enables cited reference searching;
3) quantifies and links to cited articles; and
4) provides links to the original full-text if the library has a subscription.

Participating NOAA Regional Libraries provide desktop access to the Web of Science Citation Index for their members. Back-issue availability depends on what your servicing library has been able to purchase based on available funding.

For example, the NOAA Central Library is licensed for 1998-present and services NOAA Staff in Silver Spring, Suitland, Camp Springs, and the Herbert C. Hoover Building.
Access to Web of Science via the NOAA Central library is provided at

Visit ISI's Web of Science training webpage for an Introduction & Overview, help in getting started, training aids, FAQs and a Quick Reference Card at web of science version 7.0; and support for other versions.

For Western Region, contact Brian Voss
(206) 526-6242

For Southeastern Region, contact Linda Pikula
(305) 361-4428


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