Volunteers working at a center

Get Ready

Picture yourself as a Peace Corps Volunteer.

The men and women who join the Peace Corps reflect the rich diversity of America in race, ethnic background, age, and religion. They possess varying physical capabilities. They come from all geographical regions, all personal backgrounds, all walks of life. Most importantly, they all share a sense of adventure and a desire to help others.

Picture yourself as Peace Corps Volunteer creating an organic garden in a jungle in Belize, teaching economics in a village in Kazakhstan, or mentoring children at an orphanage in South Africa.

Peace Corps Volunteers work in all of these areas: education, youth outreach, and community development; business development; agriculture and environment; health and HIV/AIDS; and information technology. In order to be a good candidate for the Peace Corps, you should have some experience in one or more of these areas. PC does the best to match your skills and interests with the communities that would benefit from you the most.

So even though you may not be eligible to apply to the Peace Corps right now, there are many things you can do now to make yourself the strongest candidate possible. Experience can range from working on your family farm, majoring in education, becoming a registered nurse, to volunteering at a health clinic.

Use these questions as a guide or see the sections below to learn more about what you can do and what the Peace Corps does in the following areas.