Subject: SeaWiFS in safe haven 23 Apr 2009 - Issued 1 May 09, 1305 UTC Topic: SeaWiFS in safe haven 23 Apr 2009 Message Issued: Friday, May 1, 2009 (1305 UTC) Satellites Impacted: OrbView-2 (GeoEye) Products Impacted: Operational (SeaWiFS) CoastWatch ocean color products Date/Time of Outage: 23 Apr 2009 - present ----------------------------------------- Details: GeoEye informed NOAA that the SeaWiFS aboard OrbView-2 entered safe haven on 23 Apr 2009. GeoEye reports that recovery is ongoing and all subsystems are nominal. It is not known at this time when SeaWiFS imaging will resume. CoastWatch users should use MODIS/Aqua-derived or MERIS/Envisat-derived ocean color products. Because the MERIS swath width is narrower, users should expect reduced geographic coverage compared to SeaWiFS. ------------------------------------------ Contact Information: Linda Stathoplos Satellite Services Division NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD 301-763-8142 x137