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Zoned Equipment

The National Security Agency (NSA) Zoned Products List (ZPL) is a list of Commercial- Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products which are not designed to meet the National standard promulgated by NSTISSAM TEMPEST /1-92, but have been tested against a portion of that standard and assigned a Zone rating of B or C.

The Zoned Equipment Program (ZEP) is intended to offer an alternative to CTPP Level I and Level II compliant equipment for Government Departments/Agencies when purchasing telecommunications equipment. Listing of products in the catalog does not imply certification by NSA. Products on this list indicate that a single product from a production line has been zone tested and assigned a zone rating.

There are no Zoned Equipment products at this time.

Warnings and Caveats

  • NSA does not make, by virtue of listing, any warranty or representation regarding the efficacy or fitness for use of the products contained in the ZPL.
  • NSA Listing is limited to the specific product, manufacturer, and configuration of the product delineated on the ZPL. Users are cautioned that there is no quality assurance in the program to ensure that all products with the listed configuration will meet the zone rating in this catalog. Users are therefore advised to match zoned equipment with the correct facility zone to ensure that the radiation from equipment operating within the facility is reduced to an acceptable level at the nearest control boundary.
  • EXPORT CONTROL NOTE: ZEP products may be marketed as any other Commercial-Off-The-Shelf equipment. They will not be subject to export control restrictions based on the TEMPEST zone rating, unless the ZEP product has been specifically designed to meet any level of the national standard. Export control procedures levied by the State Department or Commerce Department because of non-TEMPEST reasons must still be met. Products which do not currently require a State Department export license will not require a State Department export license as a result of the ZEP test.
  • NSA listing of a product on the ZPL does not occur until the Agency has reviewed and approved the test plan/report and product listing submitted by an authorized TEMPEST Test Facility and notified the company of the results. The product will remain listed for one year only. Annual re-test and assignment of zone rating is required for continued listing.

Administrative Notes

  1. Once a product is listed, that product must be re-tested prior to the anniversary date of the initial test to remain in the catalog.
  2. Further information about a product on the list or specific questions regarding the absence or deletion of a particular product should be directed to the company POC provided
  3. Companies desiring information concerning the process for listing of candidate zone products for the ZPL should contact:

    9800 SAVAGE ROAD
    FT. MEADE MD 20755-6708
    ATTN: National TEMPEST Operations, Suite 6708

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service