Advocate and Educate

One of the greatest ways to make a lasting impact is to reach out and teach others. Once you know what cause you want to support, a great way to help is to share your cause with others and gather greater support. Knowledge is power, so, the more people who know about and support your cause, the more power you will have to implement change. Put your cause on your community's radar. Get people interested and then tell them more.

Step 1: Educate yourself.

Learn as much as you can about your cause so that you can practice what you preach. Use all the resources you have available: the web, your parents and teachers, the library, national and international organizations, etc. Most importantly, lead by example!

Step 2: Get the word out.

Now that you are informed, you can start sharing your knowledge with others. Start a club or host an event, such as a lecture or concert. Make poeple notice by putting up posters about the issue. Write articles about in your school and local papers. Ask your school to host an assembly and bring in speakers or ask your teachers to include your cause in the curriculum. Petition lawmakers and collect signatures.

Useful Documents: