Teenagers all across America are starting clubs, volunteering, and fundraising to assist others and make a difference. Take a look at posts from teens all across America. See what they're up to and get new ideas to get involved.

Rachel from NJ - "I participate in the Challenge League where I play sports with autistic and other special needs children."

Stephen - "I help children learn band instruments during the summer.  I'm in a marching band and perform in town in the Holiday Brass band."

Daryl from AL - "I am making a difference in my community by working in my area community kitchen. I cook and serve the people in my community kitchen. I am also making a difference by being a co-founder of a drug awareness program in the area that I live in."

Brianne - "Over the summer I organized a drive for the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). I set up a box for collection in the orthodontist office that I worked in. I distributed flyers so patients could contribute—the drive was for 2 months—I delivered many office and pet supplies to the SPCA."

Kate from IA - "I help raise money for an organization called STAND (Student Anti-Genocide Coalition). It's an international group that raises awareness and funds for Darfur. I also do NHS (National Honor Society), where we tutor people and donate things to poor people, help out in the soup kitchens, etc. There are tons of other charity groups in my school, too, like Key Club, and INTERACT."

Karina and Kim from VA - "During the summer we spend time volunteering at our local senior center. Through student council, we help organize community service projects for our school."

Franco from CA - "This summer I dedicated my time to the community of Sacramento. I was a volunteer at a free clinic and at the Emergency Room of University of California Davis Medical Center. At the Clinic my duties included receptionist, monitor, lab, and intake/outtake. At the E.R. I did errands for the nurses and doctors. I did a total of 120 volunteer hours this summer and hope to continue as school starts. "