Statement of Mission, Purpose, Goals and Values

We advise all Utah state legislators on matters of public finance.

We promote effective public policy by providing high quality information to elected decision makers.

We strive for objectivity, accuracy, timeliness, clarity, and relevance.

We value honesty, integrity, accountability, equality, open mindedness, mutual respect, dialogue, intellectual enrichment, friendship, and family.

Our products comprise a balanced budget; estimates of cost and/or savings for all proposed legislation; and regular monitoring/reporting on program management.

While our outputs change regularly, they include:

Revenue Estimates and Updates;
Fiscal Notes;
Fiscal Note training;
Fiscal Note accountability reports;
Committee and subcommittee proceedings (including schedules, agendas, and minutes);
Compendia of Budget Information;
Issue Briefs;
Budget Briefs;
Funding priorities lists;
Appropriations bills and acts;
Appropriations Summaries;
Appropriations Reports;
Research requests and findings;
Fiscal Highlights newsletters;
Annual in-depth budget reviews;
Internal and external communications;
Financial/HR/administrative records;
Ad hoc surveys, reviews and reports.

Reports/Archive | Budget Process | Office Background | Who's Who | Organization Chart | WLFOA Survey

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
State Capitol Complex
House Building, Suite W310
Post Office Box 145310

Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Phone (801) 538-1034 Fax (801) 538-1692