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March 17, 2009 - Europe Launches First Earth Explorer Mission Goce ... more

November 6, 2008 - Publication of Southern Louisiana Post Katrina Height Modernization Project
In October 2006, field work was completed for the post-Katrina Height Modernization project, funded by FEMA and performed with the help of NGS and the Louisiana Spatial Reference Center (LSRC).  This project has been adjusted, and updated NAVD 88 heights are available.  This project expands the vertical control network north of the I-10 boundary surveyed in 2004, and provides up to date NAVD 88 heights for approximately 330 marks in southern Louisiana. 

This project has been loaded into the NGS Database and new position and height information is available on NGS datasheets.  New NAVD 88 heights from this project are given an epoch datum tag of 2006.81. To prevent the use of outdated heights within the 2006 project area, the NAVD 88 orthometric heights for stations not recently re-determined will have their values superseded and no longer published as a current & valid orthometric height. 

If you have further questions, please contact the State Geodetic Advisor for Louisiana, or the Height Modernization Manager

Pocket GPS Manager (PGM) application available for download –

Pocket GPS Manager (PGM) is a set of software tools to assist in the planning, execution, processing, and archival of GPS height modernization projects and other types of GPS surveys...more

A new digital level tool is being developed by Height Modernization partner, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi

Now available for testing, this new software tool can assist with digital data leveling. . . .  more
- Precision Agriculture in Alabama benefits from use of Continuously Operating Reference Stations - Dedication of new CORS, Friday, May 16, 2008 ... more

National Height Modernization Program (N-HMP) State Partners Brief NOAA Administrator, Vice Admiral Lautenbacher
On November 16, 2007 representatives from the 11 current HMP states provided a briefing for VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher on the status and progress of HMP efforts in their states.  The briefing was to express appreciation to NOAA for their strong support of the HMP and highlight the importance of the HMP for a wide variety of NOAA/NGS programs in the states and across the nation, including positioning infrastructure for monitoring effects of climate change impacts like sea level rise through use of CORS data, GPS-Met water vapor studies, monitoring of land velocities, and preparation of accurate floodplain maps.  Representatives of  HMP partners from state and local governments, academia, and the private sector included John Canas (California), Roy Dokka (Louisiana), David Mooneyhan (Mississippi), Gary Thompson and Joseph Monroe (North Carolina), Matt Wellslager (South Carolina), Garey Gilley and Gary Jeffress (Texas), David Steele (Washington), and David Moyer (Wisconsin).  Admiral Lautenbacher indicated the importance of the HMP partnership with NOAA and pledged his continuing support of HMP for a full nationwide program.  The following presentation and documents were included in the briefing materials:


PGM – Height Modernization Software
Pocket GPS Manager (PGM) is a set of software tools to assist in the planning, execution, processing, and archival of GPS height modernization projects and other types of GPS surveys.  One component is the PGM client program, which allows project managers to plan, schedule, and track surveys on Windows-based operating systems, and technicians/surveyors to enter field occupation log information via Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs).  Site metadata (e.g., antenna heights, receiver model nos.), GPS receiver data files, and site images are uploaded and stored in the PGM server hosted at the California Spatial Reference Center (CSRC – http://csrc.ucsd.edu), where information about the project is then available via web-based utilities. The software is designed to significantly reduce data/metadata entry errors and to allow the project manager to troubleshoot and control all aspects of the project. Other features include interfaces with the NGS database of monument PIDs and (in development) bluebooking utilities.PGM was developed at CSRC, in La Jolla, California, for height modernization with support and coordination from the National Geodetic Survey (NGS).  More information about PGM can be found on the CSRC website at:http://csrc.ucsd.edu/projects/pgm.htmlwhere web utilities are available for PGM-entered height mod projects, such as the 2007 Central Coast project at:http://csrc.ucsd.edu/projects/pgm/cenchm2007.htmlThese include updated interactive maps, status reports, and access to RINEX data and site images.Technically, PGM utilizes a client-server architecture enabled by XML (eXtensible Markup Language) message exchange.  PGM client is a Java-based application for both desktop (J2SE) and PDAs (J2ME).   Server-side applications use PERL object-oriented software for metadata and data storage and retrieval.If you are interested in using PGM software, please contact Paul Jamason or Ruey-Juin Chang.




Watch this site for future developments.


Last updated by NGS.webmaster on Thursday, 09-Apr-2009 16:33:04 EDT