GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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Welcome to Charles Seman's Home Page

Atmospheric Processes Group
US Department of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Princeton University
Forrestal Campus
201 Forrestal Road
Princeton, New Jersey  08540-6649  USA

Phone:  (609) 452-6547
Fax:      (609) 987-5063

Research Interests


Selected Publications

A time sequence of visible satellite images from 5 June 1986
showing a beautiful example of a mesoscale-convective instability process.  
For more information, please see the Monthly Weather Review article by  Jascourt et al. (1988) ,
or contact  Stephen Jascourt, Scott Lindstrom, Prof. David D. Houghton, and/or Charles Seman.
Click on image for a larger version, and here for sounding data.

Visible satellite images (2 km resolution) on 5 June 1986 at (a) 1631, (b) 1701, (c) 1801 and (d) 1931 UTC.  
Note development of five convective bands across western Louisiana by 1801 UTC.
 Active convection was occurring along entire length of bands.  
After 1930 UTC, anvil cirrus obscured banded structure.
 (Figure 1 from Jascourt et al. 1988)