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There are dozens of ocean subjects listed below. Reporters can find experts who can speak about specific ocean topics by clicking on the headings. There you'll find the person to contact in order to set up an interview or to get more background information.

National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS)

    Biological Oceanography, Taxonomy, Chemical Oceanography, Coastal Ocean Processes, Coastal Physical Oceanography, Natural Hazards, Monitoring and Assessment, Global Ocean Processes, Ocean Surface Temperature, Marine Information Management, Ocean Climatology

National Weather Service (NWS)

    Applied Research Techniques, Coastal Ocean Environment, Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Model, El Nino, General Dynamics, Relationship of Ocean & Atmosphere, Hurricanes, Marine and Weather Forecasting, Severe Storms, Tsunami Research and Education, Tsunami Warnings, Volunteer Ships, Warning Coordination

Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)

    Coastal Oceanography, El Nino, Hurricanes, Hydrothermal Vents, Inland Wind Effects, Ocean-Atmosphere Models, Paleoclimatology, Tsunamis, Undersea Research, Undersea Volcanoes, Waterspouts

Office of NOAA Corps Operations (ONCO)

    Aircraft, Diving Operations, Fish Stock Assessments, Fisheries Research Ships, Hydrographic Research Ships, Marine Mammal Surveys, Oceanographic Research Ships, Ozone Studies

National Ocean Service (NOS)

    Coastal Hazards (natural), Ecological Risk Assessment, Environmental Damage Assessment, Harmful Algal Blooms, Red Tides, Pfiesteria, Hydrographic Surveys, Navigation, Charts, Electronic Chart Systems, Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, Ocean Resources and Environmental Quality, Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution, Coral Reefs, Commerican Fishing, Habitat Restoration, Mangroves, Polynesian Cultures, Oil Platforms as Artificial Reefs, Marine Education, Humpback Whales, Hative Hawaiian Culture, Monk Seals, Water Quality, Inter-tidal Habitats, Areas to be Avoided, Ecotourism, Vessel Traffic, Kelp Forests, Submerged Canyons, Deep-Sea Research and Exploration, Marine Research, Marine Archeology, Maritime History, Artificial Reefs, Submerged Islands, Sharks, Whale Migration, Pinnipeds, Sea Birds, Native American Culture, Islands, Volunteers

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

    Climate Change, Contaminants, Ecology, Endangered Species Act (Legislation and Protected Species), Endangered Species Act - Salmon, Enforcement, Essential Fish Habitat, Fishery Data, Fish Habitat Restoration, Fish Stock Status, Highly Migratory Species, Sharks, Swordfish, ABT, Intergovernmental Fisheries, Marine Mammals Protection Act, General Legislation, Fishery Interactions, Captive Display, Oceanography, Precautionary Approach, Recreational Fisheries, Sea Turtles, Sustainable Fisheries, Trade and Industry, Tuna and Dolphin Legislation and Policy, Research Vessels, Seafood Safety, El Nino, Fish Culture, Marine Contaminants, Northwest Ground Fish, Red Tides, Salmon, Salmon Reproduction, Auke Bay Laboratories, Alaska Fisheries Science Center

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