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Wind Powering America Past Workshops

This page documents many of the Wind Powering America workshops that have been held across the United States. Some of the following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Adobe Reader.



Nevada Wind Working Group Meeting

Date: 4/23/2009

Location: Carson City , NV

Contact: Bob Cooper

Phone: 775-684-1184

Nevada Commission on Economic Development Conference Room, 108 E. Proctor St.

9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Teleconference #: 775-687-4001


  • Introductions
  • Update on wildlife siting issues from the Sage Grouse Mitigation and Habitat Restoration Project
  • Update on siting issues related to radar, aviation, and the military
  • Presentation by Sharlet Berentsen of the Humboldt-Pershing County Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Partnership
  • Update on state and federal legislative activities affecting wind development
  • Agenda Topics for Future Working Group Meetings and other matters

Green Jobs and Economic Development from Wind Power: Webinar

Date: 4/15/2009

Location: CO

Contact: Ryan Harry, BCS Incorporated

Phone: (303) 425-6800

10 a.m.-12:00 p.m. MDT
Consumer-owned utilities can use the Job and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) model developed for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to demonstrate the state and local economic development impacts of building wind power plants in the United States. JEDI compares local economic impacts for wind, coal or natural gas power plants. Reserve your place early.

Sponsors include: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, American Public Power Association — DEED program, Western Area Power Administration, U.S. DOE Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Utility Wind Integration Group, American Wind Energy Association — AWEA Utility Working Group, National Wind Coordinating Collaborative.

Indiana Wind Working Group Meeting

Date: 4/3/2009

Location: Indianapolis , IN

Contact: Travis Murphy, Office of Energy and Defense Development

Phone: (317) 232-7578

Indiana Government Center South Building, Conference Room B.

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Arizona Wind Working Group Meeting

Date: 3/25/2009

Location: Phoenix , AZ

Contact: Patricia Ponce

15601 N 28th Avenue.

1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


  • Wind technology primer
  • Federal stimulus package and the implications for wind and transmission development
  • Implementation of the national 20% wind vision
  • Status of Arizona wind projects and more

20% Wind Energy by 2030: Challenges and Opportunities: Webinar

Date: 3/12/2009

Location: CO

Contact: Ryan Harry, BCS Incorporated

Phone: (303) 425-6800

1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. MDT
Wind power could become a major contributor to America's electricity supply over the next three decades, according to the May 2008 report by the U.S. DOE. Join speakers from consumer-owned utilities to discuss the challenges and opportunities of contributing to this target. Reserve your place early. Please note that the Webinar date is March 12, 2009 at 1pm Mountain Time. This is different than the date and time listed in the original schedule. There has been a change in date and time since the original schedule was created.

Sponsors include: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, American Public Power Association — DEED program, Western Area Power Administration, U.S. DOE Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Utility Wind Integration Group, American Wind Energy Association — AWEA Utility Working Group, National Wind Coordinating Collaborative.

Wind Energy Development: Key Financial Considerations Webcast

Date: 2/27/2009

Location: KS

Contact: Jim Ploger, Kansas Corporation Commission

Phone: 785-271-3349

11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. CST
U.S. and world financial markets are undergoing a historic restructuring, which is reshaping the supply and demand for long term capital. Wind energy is especially sensitive to changes in credit terms. This presentation will delineate implications of 1) the 2008 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, 2) the accompanying tax relief act, and 3) recent Wall Street events for small and large wind project development.

Please see the flyer (PDF 101 KB) Download Adobe Reader for the Webinar address and additional information.

Utah Wind Working Group Meeting

Date: 2/25/2009

Location: Salt Lake City , UT

Contact: Elise Brown

Phone: (801) 537-3365

Department of Environmental Quality, 168 North 1950 West, Room 101.

4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Addressing Utah's Future Water Demands by Investing in Renewable Energy

Stacy Tellinghuisen

Water is essential to sustain agriculture, municipalities, industrial operations, and many forms of electricity generation. In many regions of the country, freshwater use — from both surface and groundwater sources — is unsustainable. As cities and electricity needs grow, finite water resources will become more stressed; production of transportation fuels from alternative sources like oil shale may exacerbate these stresses.

Using the State of Utah as a case study, we assess future water demands under several different development scenarios. Under a "business as usual" trajectory, water demands for electricity generation and municipalities are likely to increase. In our alternate scenarios, we demonstrate that increased investment in wind and other renewable resources, energy efficiency, and municipal water use efficiency will all be essential in meeting Utah's future water needs. Finally, we present a series of policy recommendations for meeting Utah's future water needs. Perhaps most important among these is long range, integrated planning between the energy and water sectors.

Perspectives and Case Studies from Wind Power Development in Iowa, Colorado and Utah.

Sandra Reategui

Job generation and retention in rural America and in manufacturing regions of the country are of keen interest to state policy makers and to local communities. Quantifying the economic development impacts from wind power projects can provide important information for the enactment of sound state and federal policies. This presentation by Sandra Reategui, of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), illustrates the economic impact (including land-lease payments to farmers and ranchers, tax revenue, economic activities, and employment) achieved by the commercial development of wind power in Iowa, Colorado, and Utah. This analysis provides not only a summary of benefits to the state's population, but also provides a sense of the economic development opportunities associated with other wind project scenarios, including the U.S. Department of Energy's "20% Wind Energy by 2030" scenario. The results and analysis that will be presented are from NREL's Job and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) model.

Bio Information

Stacy Tellinghuisen works on both sides of the energy/water nexus at Western Resource Advocates, assessing both the impacts of energy on water resources, and the energy demands of new and existing water supplies. Prior to working for WRA, Stacy researched the energy and carbon benefits of recycled water in Southern California, and worked on water resource issues for a small town in Utah. Stacy has a Master's degree in Environmental Science and Management from U.C. Santa Barbara, and a B.A. from Carleton College. Between college and graduate school, Stacy taught environmental education to school groups in parks throughout California and Utah.

Sandra Reategui is a researcher in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Strategic Energy Analysis Center. Her main areas of research include state-level economic impact from wind energy projects, JEDI modeling, and the economic value of water. She has a Master's degree in applied economics complemented by an earlier degree encompassing business and journalism. Prior to joining NREL, she worked as a graduate research associate at the Center for the Market Diffusion of Renewable Energy and Clean Technology at Utah State University.

Nevada Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Task Force

Date: 2/19/2009

Location: Las Vegas , NV

  • Update by Pete Konesky, Nevada State Energy Office, on anemometer loan program
  • Presentation by Darko Koracin, Task Force Wind Representative, on assessing wind energy in Nevada.
  • Discussion/Action regarding possible legislative issues and proposals in the 2009 legislative session.

Basics of Farm/Residential Small Wind Turbines Webinar

Date: 2/13/2009

Location: KS

Contact: Jim Ploger, Kansas Corporation Commission

Phone: 785-271-3349

11:00 a.m. - 12: 30 p.m. CST; 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. MST
This Webcast gives an overview of small wind turbines. Topics to be covered include: applications, estimating wind turbine production, policies and economics, the process for installing small wind turbines, small wind system components, and technology questions. This presentation gives participants the tools needed to determine if a wind system is appropriate to a particular application and to avoid common pitfalls encountered in analyzing and executing small wind turbine projects.

Please see the flyer (PDF 102 KB) Download Adobe Reader for the Webinar address and additional information.

Indiana Wind Working Group Meeting

Date: 2/11/2009

Location: Indianapolis , IN

Contact: Travis Murphy, Office of Energy and Defense Development

Phone: (317) 232-7578

Indiana Government Center South Building, Conference Room B.

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Wind Energy Production Forecasting: Webinar

Date: 2/9/2009

Location: CO

Contact: Ryan Harry, BCS Incorporated

Phone: (303) 425-6800

10 a.m.-12:00 p.m. MST
This comprehensive look at wind forecasting covers techniques, methodologies and tools for integrating large-scale wind power. Learn about the latest research in wind forecasting and case studies in forecasting that compare changes in wind generation to changes in load over various time periods. Reserve your place early.

Sponsors include: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, American Public Power Association — DEED program, Western Area Power Administration, U.S. DOE Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Utility Wind Integration Group, American Wind Energy Association — AWEA Utility Working Group, National Wind Coordinating Collaborative.

Michigan Wind Working Group Meeting

Date: 1/27/2009

Location: MI

Contact: John Sarver

Michigan Public Service Commission, Hearing Room A.

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Call in number: (877) 336-1829

Pass code: 2022874#


  • Off-shore Wind
  • Wind Energy Resource Zone Board
  • RPS Plans
  • Net Metering and Interconnection
  • Wind Energy Conference, March 3 - 4 at Cobo Hall

People with disabilities requiring additional services (such as materials in alternative format) in order to participate in the meeting should call the Commission's Executive Secretary at (517) 241-6160.

Distributed Wind Interconnection Workshop

Date: 1/21/2009 to 1/22/2009

Location: Golden , CO

Contact: Robert Putnam, CH2M Hill

Phone: 315-751-2638

Source: Electric Power Training Center.

The Wind Interconnection Workshop (PDF 219 KB) Download Adobe Reader is back, this year focusing on interconnecting wind turbines — and other forms of distributed generation — to electric cooperative and public power distribution systems.

Instructors will also discuss wind energy regulations from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Attendees will be able to tour the Electric Power Training Center (EPTC) and observe a demonstration of EPTC's miniature power system, including the wind farm simulator. An optional tour of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's National Wind Technology Center is scheduled for Jan. 23.

Registration costs $300 and is limited to the first 30 registrants. Register online or contact Bob Putnam, CH2M Hill, for more information.

The workshop is sponsored by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, American Public Power Association, American Wind Energy Association, Utility Wind Interconnection Group, Western Area Power Administration and DOE's Wind and Hydropower Techologies Program.

Massachusetts Wind Working Group Meeting: Financing Municipal Wind Projects

Date: 1/21/2009

Location: Westborough , MA

Contact: Lynn Di Tullio

Phone: (413) 545-4359

Massachusetts Technology Center.

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Presented by Ed Bodmer, an expert in financial modeling for renewable energy projects, and KEMA, a consultant to the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust. The workshop will address public, private, and hybrid approaches to ownership, management, financing, and risk; the use of financial modeling to help evaluate and compare the alternative approaches for specific projects and optimize benefits for the municipality; and important questions municipalities considering wind projects should ask themselves.

New Mexico Wind Working Group Quarterly Meeting

Date: 1/20/2009

Location: Santa Fe , NM

Contact: Jeremy Lewis, New Mexico State Energy Office

Phone: 505-476-3323

1220 S. Saint Francis Dr., Wendell Chino Building, Porter Hall.

1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Both meetings scheduled in December were cancelled due to inclement weather conditions. The meeting is now scheduled for January 20th. During this meeting we will discuss our areas of interest then prioritize the topics to generate a group focus.

For preparation purposes, please RSVP with Jeremy Lewis.

Wind Power Siting and Environmental Issues: Webinar

Date: 1/14/2009

Location: CO

Contact: Ryan Harry, BCS Incorporated

Phone: (303) 425-6800

10 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. MST
Examine site-specific and cumulative issues related to wind energy generation. Topics will include environmental benefits associated with wind, public perception and engagement, siting and regulatory framework, environmental and siting challenges. Reserve your place early.

Sponsors include: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, American Public Power Association — DEED program, Western Area Power Administration, U.S. DOE Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Utility Wind Integration Group, American Wind Energy Association — AWEA Utility Working Group, National Wind Coordinating Collaborative.

Nevada Wind Working Group Quarterly Meeting

Date: 12/19/2008

Location: Carson City , NV

Contact: Bob Cooper

Phone: (775) 684-1184

Nevada Commission on Economic Development, 108 E. Proctor St.

9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Teleconference: (775) 687-4001


  • Introductions
  • Discussion of Sage Grouse and other Wildlife Issues affecting wind siting in Nevada.
  • Discussion of Military and Federal Aviation Issues affecting wind siting in Nevada.
  • Discussion of Local Ordinance Matters.
  • New Matters, Announcements and Discussion.

Kansas Wind Working Group

Date: 12/17/2008

Location: Topeka , KS

Contact: Jim Ploger

Phone: (785) 271-3349

Washburn University.

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
The Kansas Wind Working Group (WWG) is a 33-member group announced by Governor Kathleen Sebelius on Jan. 7, 2008. Formed through Executive Order 08-01, the WWG will educate stakeholder groups with the current information on wind energy markets, technologies, economics, policies, prospects and issues. Please see the Web site for an agenda.

Transmission and Wind Integration into the U.S. Electrical System: Webinar

Date: 12/17/2008

Location: CO

Contact: Ryan Harry, BCS Incorporated

Phone: (303) 425-6800

10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. MST
Get an update on transmission studies and developments throughout the United States. Find out what needs to be done to significantly increase the penetration of wind generation, and what the impacts and benefits will be for consumer-owned utilities. Reserve your place early.

Sponsors include: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, American Public Power Association — DEED program, Western Area Power Administration, U.S. DOE Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Utility Wind Integration Group, American Wind Energy Association — AWEA Utility Working Group, National Wind Coordinating Collaborative.

Time to Nominate 2008 Wind Co-op of the Year

Date: 12/8/2008 to 1/5/2009

Location: CO

Contact: Randy Manion, Western Area Power Administration

Phone: (720) 962-7423

Nominations for Wind Cooperative of the Year for 2008 (MS Word 57 KB) are now being accepted. All electric cooperatives that are members of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association are eligible, and their is no cost to nominate.

The Wind Cooperative of the Year Award is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program.

The 2008 winner will be recognized at the NRECA TechAdvantage Conference in New Orleans, La., Feb. 11-14, 2009. All nominations are due by close of business on Jan. 5th, 2009.

Oklahoma Wind Energy Conference

Date: 12/2/2008 to 12/3/2008

Location: Oklahoma City , OK

Phone: 1-800-203-5494

Cox Convention Center.

The conference will feature nationally known wind experts, exhibits, and sessions about economic development, infrastructure needs, landowner issues and wildlife. Special keynote speakers at the conference include wind energy advocate and "Pickens Plan" creator T. Boone Pickens and The Nature Conservancy's CEO, Mark Tercek.

Putting Wind on the Wires: Arizona Wind Power Forum

Date: 11/7/2008

Location: Phoenix , AZ

Contact: Patricia Ponce

Phone: (928) 523-2380

ASU Downtown Mercado, 502 E. Monroe Street.

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
This one-day forum will provide information on the latest in planning and forecasting wind energy generation in Arizona, an update on local projects, transmission planning to access wind areas in the state, maximizing the use of a variable resources in a growing energy market and more.

Presentations by:

  • Xcel Energy on integrating 1,000 MW of wind,
  • the latest in forecasting wind by 3-Tier,
  • Arizona project updates by Iberdrola Renewables, BP Wind Energy North America, and Sempra Generation,
  • a utility outlook for wind from APS and SRP, and
  • energy priorities from the new administration from Interwest Energy Alliance.

This forum will present the most comprehensive information on wind development in Arizona. We hope you will join us. Please see the Web site for an agenda and registration information.



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