FY 2006 Program Changes


Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research

NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR), also known as "NOAA Research," requests $372.2 million in FY 2006, reflecting a net increase of +$25.1M over its FY 2006 base level. This budget request supports research advancements in Weather and Air Quality Forecasting, Ecosystem Management, and Climate Monitoring and Prediction.

Weather and Air Quality Research

Air Quality Research FY 2006 Backgrounder  *[pdf]

Air Quality Research +$1.7M: Funds will be used to conduct a large field study centered around Houston, Texas during the summer of FY 2006 to characterize the key causes of air pollution problems in the region. This study will be one in a series of regional assessments to provide key information to enable Federal and state air quality decision-makers to make well informed decisions and to develop plans to protect public health and economic vitality. The acquired data will also improve air quality forecast models.

Ocean, Coastal and Great Lakes Research

Aquatic Invasive Species Initiative FY 2006 Backgrounder  *[pdf]
Marine Aquaculture Initiative FY 2006 Backgrounder  *[pdf]
Sea Grant and Ocean Exploration FY 2006 Backgrounder  *[pdf]

Marine Aquaculture +$1.6M: Funds will be used to run NOAA's annual national competition to strengthen offshore aquaculture research and to support aquaculture education and extension activities.

Aquatic Invasive Species +$2.5M: Funds will be used for monitoring, control, education, and research to prevent introductions and to identify new introductions early enough for a targeted rapid response.

Climate Research

Climate Research FY 2006 Backgrounder  *[pdf]

Climate Observations and Services +$18.0

NOAA ship buoy-tendingOther Climate Observations and Services +$7.4M: Funds will be used for Climate Research and Observations, Climate Data and Information, and Climate Operations; activities that are fundamental to the success of NOAA's climate research programs. This increase will ensure continuation of climate observing networks and long-term climate records that are essential to today's climate research and will further the development of operational climate products and services.

Ocean Observations for Climate (CCRI) +$3.5M: Funds will be used to continue building and maintaining a global ocean observing system that will document climate-scale changes in ocean heat, carbon, and sea level.

Tropical Buoy Expansion (CCRI) +$3.2M: Funds will be used for the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) and Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) arrays, including expansion of the TAO array into the Indian Ocean, system enhancements, and technology development for higher quality ocean measurements for improved forecast capability.

Aerosols, Clouds, and Climate Change (CCRI) +$2.1M: Funds will be used for a multi-year initiative of observation and modeling to improve predictive understanding of how aerosol-cloud interactions influence climate.

Regional Integrated Science Assessment Program (CCRI) +$0.8M: Funds will be used for a multi-year effort to strengthen research in a program that supports eight integrated regional research teams addressing complex climate sensitive issues relevant to decision-makers. This increase will help link climate research and information to decision-making processes in regions not currently supported by the program.

Explaining Climate Conditions to Improve Predictions (CCRI) +$2.0M: Funds will be used t o develop new climate reanalysis data sets and the capability to deliver explanations of the causes for observed climate variability and change. This increase will provide for enhanced climate prediction capabilities that will enable regional and national decision makers and resource managers to better plan for impacts of climate extremes, variability, and change.

Global Climate Atmospheric Observing System (CCRI) -$1.0M: as an offset for the requested +10.6M increase in the Climate Change Research Initiative.

NOAA FY 2006 Budget ($M)


Current Program

Program Change

Operations, Research, and Facilities



Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction







DOC  and NOAA logosFY 2006 NOAA Research Budget Highlights [*PDF]
NOAA 2006 Budget

For More Information: Contact
Mark Brown, NOAA Research Chief Financial Officer

*Get Acrobat

September 29, 2005