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Part 35—Research and Development Contracting

35.000 Scope of part.

35.001 Definitions.

35.002 General.

35.003 Policy.

35.004 Publicizing requirements and expanding research and development sources.

35.005 Work statement.

35.006 Contracting methods and contract type.

35.007 Solicitations.

35.008 Evaluation for award.

35.009 Subcontracting research and development effort.

35.010 Scientific and technical reports.

35.011 Data.

35.012 Patent rights.

35.013 Insurance.

35.014 Government property and title.

35.015 Contracts for research with educational institutions and nonprofit organizations.

35.016 Broad agency announcement.

35.017 Federally Funded Research and Development Centers.

35.017-1 Sponsoring agreements.

35.017-2 Establishing or changing an FFRDC.

35.017-3 Using an FFRDC.

35.017-4 Reviewing FFRDC’s.

35.017-5 Terminating an FFRDC.

35.017-6 Master list of FFRDC’s.

35.017-7 Limitation on the creation of new FFRDC’s.

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