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MARC Faculty Predoctoral Fellowships (F34)

MARC Faculty Predoctoral Fellowships are awarded to faculty members of colleges or universities with significant minority enrollments. Awards provide an opportunity for eligible faculty who lack the Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) to obtain the research doctorate. Applicants must be full-time, permanent faculty in a biomedically related science or mathematics program and must have been at the minority or minority-serving institution for at least 3 years at the time of application. Candidates must be enrolled in or have been accepted into a Ph.D. or combined M.D.-Ph.D. training program in the biomedical or behavioral sciences. The applicant must intend to return to the minority institution at the end of the training period.

An applicant may request a stipend equal to his or her annual salary, but not to exceed the stipend of a level 1 postdoctoral fellow (currently $38,976). The applicant may also request tuition and fees as determined by the training institution as well as an institutional allowance of $2,750 per year. A maximum of 5 years of support is available. For more information on MARC Faculty Predoctoral Fellowships, see the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, Vol. 23, No. 7, December 31, 2002 (PAR-03-048), or contact Dr. Adolphus Toliver at 301-594-3900. 

This page last updated April 22, 2009