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Key Dates Relating to Depository Management Activities PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, 26 March 2009
Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 April 2009

In addition to the GPO conference dates listed in Training Opportunities, the following information is provided to help you plan ahead.

calendarThe Annual Item Selection Update Cycle typically occurs in June and July of each year. See the Amendment of Item Selections article for more information. Deselections of item numbers may be made at any time during the year. Most deselections take effect almost immediately. You may only make additions to your library’s item selection profile during the Annual Selection Update Cycle. (Hint: Please keep a backup record of any item number changes you make and check Item Lister again to ensure that the changes have taken effect.)

The Biennial Survey of Federal Depository Libraries is a requirement of all Federal depository libraries. GPO anticipates that the next Survey will be open in October, 2009. (Hint: The most recent submissions from your library are available through the FDLP Desktop.)

Check the FDLP Desktop Calendar to track dates for these and other activities.


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