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Passwords Used by Depository Libraries PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, 29 January 2009
Last Updated on Thursday, 26 February 2009

There are several passwords in use by Federal depository libraries. These include:

  • Individual depository library internal passwords
  • askGPO passwords
  • Z39.50 passwords
  • FDLP Desktop Community site passwords
  • Agency created passwords for free depository access to their subscription services

In order to help you better understand what the different passwords are used for, more detailed information about each of them is provided below.


Password Used for More Information

Individual depository library internal password

  • Submitting the Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries
  • Submitting special surveys
  • Ordering promotional materials through the FDLP Desktop
  • Bookmarking pages on the FDLP Desktop
  • Updating the depository item selection profile
  • Accessing and updating the FDLP Profile and User Information in the Federal Depository Library Directory

The password is assigned by GPO.

The user ID associated with this official internal password is the depository library number.

The internal password is used with applications in which administrative business is being conducted with GPO.

You may request information on your library's password through askGPO. Select Federal Depository Libraries as the category and Passwords as the sub-category.  Please include your depository library number in the request.

This password is case sensitive.

askGPO password
  • Using askGPO services, including submitting a question, checking the status of a question, and reviewing past GPO responses to your questions

You create the username (email address) and the password.

If you have not already done so, register for a personal account.

If you have forgotten your password, use the Email Me My Password function in the My Account section of askGPO.

FDLP Desktop Community site password Contributing comments to the FDLP Community

You set your personal login and password.

If you have not already done so, register for a personal account.

If you have forgotten your password, see the Forget Login? feature.

Z39.50 password Searching, retrieving, and downloading cataloging records from the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) via Z39.50.

To locate your password:

  1. Login to the Federal Depository Library Directory
  2. Select Edit User Information under Options.
  3. The password appears in the Z39.50 Password field.
For more information, see the Z39.50 tutorial.

Agency created passwords for free depository access to their subscription services

Accessing the available agency subscription services

User IDs and passwords allowing free depository access to agency subscription services are assigned by the individual agency.

Each subscription service that your library provides access to will have a unique password assigned and may require a user agreement.

For more information, see the Passworded Databases article.


Please note that the individual depository library external password is no longer active, although it still appears in the Federal Depository Library Directory User Information section. Formerly, GPO assigned an external password to each library. These passwords were once used with applications controlled by other Federal agencies. However, the agencies themselves are now assigning their own passwords for their subscription services.

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