Item Lister PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, 16 October 2008
Last Updated on Thursday, 26 March 2009

The Item Lister lists item numbers currently being selected by individual Federal Depository Libraries. A list of item selections is also known as a library's "Item Selection Profile." The lists are arranged by item number. Libraries use the Item Lister to identify what they are selecting and what they are not selecting. It is used in conjuction with the List of Classes, which provides detailed information about item numbers, to manage the library's depository collection.

Libraries can view the following types of lists:

  • a list of what the library selects - in rows and columns;
  • a list of what the library does not select - in rows and columns;
  • a list of both what the library selects (Y for Yes) and does not select (N for No) - in rows and columns; and,
  • a list of what the library selects (Y for Yes) and does not select (N for No) - in a single column.
Changes to a library's item selection profile as listed in the Item Lister can be made using the Amendment of Item Selections form.

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