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Proper Use of Non-DoD Contracts

The policy memo entitled "Proper Use of Non-DoD Contracts" was signed on 29 October 2004, and establishes procedures for the Military Departments and Defense Agencies when reviewing and approving the use of non-DoD contract vehicles. Please click on the link above for more information.

The policy memo entitled "Proper Use of Non-DoD Contracts" was jointly signed by USD(AT&L) (Mr. Wynne, Acting) and USD(C) (Mr. Henke, Principal Deputy) on 29 October 2004, and requires the Military Departments and Defense Agencies establish procedures for reviewing and approving the use of non-DoD contract vehicles when procuring supplies and services for amounts greater than $100,000 (current simplified acquisition threshold). The policy is effective January 1, 2005.

The memo can be viewed by clicking on the link above or on DPAP "Proper Use of Non-DoD Contract Vehicles" web page at:

Please direct any questions on this policy to Michael Canales, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, at
703-695-8571 or


This message is to inform you of new DoD policy. Please be advised that agencies may have additional instructions or procedures for implementing this policy in your organization.

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