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Ukraine was the first successor nation of the Soviet Union to invite the Peace Corps to establish a program on its territory. Volunteers in Ukraine work throughout the country to help Ukrainians develop approaches to effecting positive change and skills necessary for communication in the global community.

Since achieving independence in 1991, Ukraine has taken steps toward representative democracy, political pluralism, and a free-market economy. Recently, a dramatic proliferation throughout Ukraine of small business startups and new community organizations signals a country on the move and a people increasingly taking advantage of their new freedoms.

In response to Ukraine's expressed needs, Peace Corps Volunteers work in the areas of community economic development, English language education, and youth development.

Community Economic Development

Volunteers work with local community groups to foster cooperation among businesses, civil society, and local government. They provide trainings on management, support project development, and facilitate community dialogue.

Volunteers are introducing electronic data management technology and training and teaching modern forms of project planning, problem solving, and management.

Volunteers are also active in community projects that include as their themes leadership education, environmental cleanups, assistance to disadvantaged groups, healthy lifestyle education, and many other topics.

English Language Education

The teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) project develops the English language skills of Ukrainian students and teachers. Volunteers work as English teachers and English teacher trainers, bringing new knowledge and methodologies to the Ukrainian educational system and fostering teacher-to-teacher links to promote the exchange of information on the best teaching methods.

Many TEFL Volunteers provide assistance to their schools and communities in establishing or expanding English teaching resource centers and contributing to curriculum development and the production of innovative English teaching materials. During the summer, TEFL Volunteers help organize and lead language and sports camps for Ukrainian youth. When school is in session, they participate in English clubs. TEFL teachers in secondary schools assist with in-service teacher training; sponsor student newspapers; organize essay and debate contests; and seek ways to transmit health topics, information technology, gender issues, and many other subjects through their English lessons and extracurricular activities with their students.

Youth Development

The youth development project helps youth to prepare for active roles in the social and economic life of contemporary Ukraine by assisting them to develop skills that will improve their ability to lead healthy lives, obtain dignified and remunerative employment, and be active and responsible citizens of Ukraine.

Youth development Volunteers offer young people in-school lessons and extracurricular activities. They conduct community projects aimed at preventing substance abuse and the spread of HIV, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. They help youth develop skills in information technology, business, leadership, civics, ecology, and career development. Volunteers also organize summer camps promoting active citizenry, initiate journalism programs, implement Big Brother/Big Sister programs on mentoring orphans and disadvantaged youth and conduct educational seminars for teachers.

Volunteers are based at schools and cooperate with local partners such as youth centers, cultural organizations, departments of family, youth and sport, centers of social services for youth, government services for minors, youth nongovernmental organizations and boarding schools.

Last updated Sep 27 2008

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Vital Statistics

Population Average
48 million
Program Dates
Number of Volunteers
Total Volunteers to Date
Languages Spoken
Ukrainian, Russian


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