Second International Workshop On Seizure Prediction

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Second International Workshop on Seizure Prediction
April 8, 2006


Over 80 representatives from academia, industry, government and philanthropic organizations sponsoring epilepsy research gathered for a four-day workshop on seizure generation, prediction and therapy.  The meeting broadened considerably the expertise of individuals working in the field, introducing researchers from economics, mathematics, physics, engineering, biophysics and other related disciplines who had not previously been involved in research in this area.  Discussions were lively, and a number of key issues limiting progress in the field were identified.  These included focusing on tangible, answerable questions, applications and methods that can produce useful results, if not complete solutions to the problem.  New, very promising data were presented on broad-band EEG and closed-loop control applied to understanding seizure generation and antiepileptic therapy.  Old disagreements regarding controversial methods were presented and dealt with openly.  There was consensus that as of the date of the meeting, no solution to prospective seizure prediction, as the problem has been formulated in the past, was in hand. There was tremendous enthusiasm for continued collaborative work in this field, and the promise of new approaches and methods to come up with practical diagnostic and therapeutic solutions for patients.  The meeting adjourned following agreement by all participants that these workshops should continue every 1.5 years, alternating between the United States and Europe.  All participants felt that the meeting was a great success, and thanked our hosts at NINDS for their support.

Footnote:  The 3rd International Workshop on Seizure Prediction in Epilepsy was held from September 29th to October 2nd, 2007 in Freiburg, Germany.  The 3rd Workshop was partially funded through a conference grant from NINDS (1R13NS060623-01).

Last updated November 06, 2007