Mentored K08 and K23 Awardees Meeting

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Mentored K08 and K23 Awardees Meeting
September 28-30, 2001
American Neurological Association Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
Program Director: Henry Khachaturian, Ph.D.

Meeting Synopsis
In FY 2001, NINDS launched a series of programs to train physician-scientists. The program was initiated under the direction of Dr. Gerry Fischbach (then Director of NINDS) and was overseen by Dr. Dennis Landis, Chair, Department of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University, and NINDS staff. The central goal of the training program is to support the development of physician research manpower, to: (1) encourage the interest of potential physician scientists early in their education, (2) offset the effect of academic debt upon decisions by physicians about research careers, (3) Accelerate entry to independent research, (4) encourage translational research, and (5) foster research training by especially competent laboratories. As a part of this overall endeavor, NINDS invited current K08 and K23 awardees to attend a three-day mentoring meeting in association with the annual meeting of the American Neurological Association (ANA). Attendees included K08 and K23 recipients in their 02 or 04 year, mentors chosen by the ANA leadership, the ANA president and president elect, the AUPN president, and members of the Training and Career Development Subcommittee committee of NINDS Council. Also attending from NINDS were Dr. Audrey Penn, Dr. Connie Atwell, Dr. Alan Willard, and Dr. Story Landis. The meeting was a resounding success, and the there are plans for an annual meeting associated with the ANA.

Saturday, September 29, 2001
Morning Session

Platform Presentations by Fourth Year Awardees

8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast

8:30 - 9:00
Introduction - Richard Baringer, President of ANA

9:00 - 9:12
Gwenn Garden - Caspase Enzymes and Apoptosis in HIV Induced Injury

9:12 - 9:24
Daniel Laskowitz -Apoplipoprotein a mimetic peptide is protective in a marine head injury model

9:24 - 9:36
Stewart Mostofsky - Cortical and Subcortical Mechanisms Underlying ADHD

9:36 - 9:48
Richard Reimer -Molecular Analysis of Transport Systems Required for Glutamatergic Neurotransmission

9:48 - 10:00
Raymond Kelleher - The MAPK Signaling Pathway in a synaptic plasticity and Memory Consolidation

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 10:42
Andrew Feigin - Parkinson's Disease and Huntington's Disease as Prototypic Examples of Hypokinetic and Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders

10:42 - 10:54
H. Blumenfeld - The Role of Thalamocortical Burst firing in the Transition from Normal Activity to Epileptic Seizures

10:54 - 11:06
Nicholas Pootos - A Study of the Properties of Voltage-gated ion Channels in the Dendrites of Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons

11:06 - 11:18
Russell Swerdlow -Mitochondria in Neurodegeneration

11:18 - 11:30
Deredyn - MR Methods of Estimating Cerebral Oxygenation

11:30 - 1:30 Lunch
Audrey S. Penn, M.D., Deputy Director, NINDS

Afternoon Session

1:30 - 2:15
Stephen L. Hauser, MD., Chair of Neurology, UCSF

2:15 - 3:00 Alan Willard, Ph.D.
Scientific Review Administrator, NINDS

3:00 - 3:30

3:30 - 5:00
Mentoring Sessions. Looking for a 2:1 ratio. Will run ten rooms with 4 awardees and two mentors in each room

5:00 - 7:00

7:00 - 9:30
Speaker: Daniel H. Lowenstein, M.D., Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School

Sunday, September 30, 2001

7:30 - 9:30 a.m.

List of Participants:

Connie W. Atwell, PhD
J. Richard Baringer, MD
M. Flint Beat, MD
J. Craig Cairncross, MD
Dennis W. Choi, MD, PhD
Mahlon R. DeLong, MD
Jerome Engel, MD, PhD
Donna Marie Ferriero, MD
Timothy Genamyre, MD, PhD
John W. Griffin, MD
Vladimir Hachinski, MD
Stephen L. Hauser, MD
Richard T. Johnson, MD
Claudia Kawas, MD
Walter J. Koroshetz, MD
Daniel H. Lowenstein, MD
Robert L. Macdonald, MD PhD
Marina Mata, MD
William C. Mobley, MD, PhD
J.P. Mohr, MD
Timothy A. Pedley, MD
Audrey S. Penn, MD
Allan Willard, PhD
Anne B. Young, MD, PhD

Last updated June 19, 2007