Spring 2007 DLC Meeting Focuses on Partnerships PDF Print E-mail
Written on Wednesday, 02 May 2007
Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Denver, Colorado photos.Partners from across the country convened at this spring's Depository Library Council meeting in Denver, Colorado on April 15-18, 2007, to talk about the future of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) and share their experiences with their colleagues from around the country and with GPO staff. The sessions were marked by educational programs conducted by Federal depository librarians, briefings from GPO staff, and updates from agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), National Park Service (NPS), U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

The meeting's sessions demonstrated partnerships in action and delved into ways in which the FDLP partnerships might evolve in a digital world. It is GPO's partnership with Federal agencies and the Federal depository library community that has ensured the FDLP's long-standing success.

As an added bonus to the meeting, a reception was held on Monday, April 16 at the Colorado History Museum. This reception was hosted by the local Federal depository libraries and was a great opportunity to enjoy food, friends, and the fabulous history of Colorado. The event was sponsored by the Colorado and Wyoming Government Publications Interest Group (GoPIG), the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, Lexis-Nexis, and Readex. Special thanks to Louise Treff-Gangler (University of Colorado), and Lisa Nickum (Arthur Lakes Library) for organizing the reception.

GPO has captured agendas, proceedings, and other files from the meeting. The proceedings include written statements from GPO managers, DLC briefing topics, PowerPoint slideshows from council, educational sessions presented by members of the depository community, and updates on information products from Federal agency representatives. All handouts, speeches, and PowerPoint slideshows have been preserved in PDF format. Meanwhile, the individual DLC sessions were captured in audio format and are available as streaming files below. Transcripts will be posted once they have been received by GPO.

Many thanks to those that made the spring meeting a success! We look forward to seeing you in Washington, DC, on October 14-17, 2007, for the fall Council meeting and Federal Depository Library Conference.

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