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LSCM FY2008 Year in Review PDF Print E-mail
Written on Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 February 2009

Library Services & Content Management (LSCM): The FY2008 Year in Review Cover.LSCM is pleased to announce the release of the 1st annual LSCM FY2008 Year in Review.

The LSCM Year in Review highlights LSCM’s major accomplishments of FY2008 and will serve to map LSCM's work for the future.

The Year in Review discusses topics including digitization, strategic planning, the ILS, authentication, automated metadata extraction, marketing, the FDLP Desktop, the Federal Depository Library Handbook, and more.

This document will be distributed to all libraries under item 0556-C and will appear on an upcoming shipping list.

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