Home > Forms > Strengthening Regional and Selective Relations (4-5:30 PM Spring DLC Session - 4/20/09)

Strengthening Regional and Selective Relations (4-5:30 PM Spring DLC Session - 4/20/09)

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Please submit your answers via this online form, or simply answer all of these questions in one file and upload using the last option on this page.

1. Are you communicating well with your regional/selective? What works for you? What innovative ways are you using to communicate and strengthen selective/regional relations? Are you using social networking space to communicate with each other? How can GPO and depository libraries effectively use social networking open source software to share information about the program? How can depositories more effectively communicate directly with each other across institutional and geographic boundaries?

2. To foster collaboration, and in the interest of resource sharing, are there service or collection activities at the institution or state level that can be extended across a region or the country (e.g., GIO: Ask a Librarian, increased use of OPAL, social networks) to produce a more robust service model?

3. What specific flexibilities would selectives like to see from regionals? And what flexibilities are regionals looking for from the selective they serve?

4. What can GPO do to support flexible management of depository operations?

5. For more than 15 years now, certain members of the library community and the Depository Library Council have discussed redundancy and the number of comprehensive collections of content needed to ensure permanent public access. Title 44 requires that regionals retain at least one copy of all Government publications either in printed or microfacsimile form (except those authorized to be discarded by the Superintendent of Documents). In order to consider future models that may be legally permissible as requested by the library community, should regional depository libraries be able to withdraw portions or all of their tangible collection if they have access to digital equivalents? What are the long-term implications for depository library collection responsibilities necessary to achieve the FDLP’s primary goal of permanent public access to both print and digital materials?

6. What are the factors that support continued existence as Regional depository libraries? Why have strong regional libraries remained strong while others struggle to exist?

7. How does the local expertise of the depositories inform the national purpose of the program, and is there a way information technology could be used to reach out beyond the traditional community of a local depository?

8. What activities would you like GPO to focus on in the next 2 or 3 fiscal years? What should GPO’s budget priorities be for funding requests?

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