Home > Forms > FDL's and GPO Thriving Together As Partners (2-3:30 PM Spring DLC Session - 4/20/09)

FDL's and GPO Thriving Together As Partners (2-3:30 PM Spring DLC Session - 4/20/09)

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Please submit your answers via this online form, or simply answer all of these questions in one file and upload using the last option on this page.

1. What are the major challenges your library is currently facing? Which most directly affect the library’s continued participation in the FDLP?

2. What is needed to better support the needs of the Federal depository library community within current law? Any needs that will require change in the law? If you could suggest only 1 or 2 changes in Title 44, what would they be?

3. In what way(s) can GPO help depositories (or depositories help GPO) in sorting through priorities during economically challenging times? How can the partners effectively reconcile the needs of the local institution with the needs of the depository program?

4. What challenges are you encountering in providing service to remote users or to patrons who come into the library to use online resources? What can GPO do to help you?

5. What value does your entire institution receive from participation in the FDLP? [Note: "entire institution" can be defined either as (1) the entire library operation or (2) the entire community the library serves (e.g., an entire university, its curriculum, faculty, and students)]

6. Could you identify the costs, tangible and intangible, direct and indirect, of being a Regional Depository (or selective). How can the costs of participation in the current program be made more transparent/apparent to both the depository and GPO in order to make rational economic decisions during periods of fiscal challenges?

7. Given your library’s situation and the discussion thus far this afternoon, what are 1 or 2 things GPO can do that would most benefit your library?

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