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Albacore Treaty Reporting System

Citizens of the world depend on the Ocean's living marine resources for food, jobs, recreation, tourism, medicine and a myriad of industrial and commercial products. Generations also now recognize the importance and value of healthy marine ecosystems to our environment and quality of life. We all have high expectations that public policies will result in the sustainability of these resources for future generations. However, our World is at a crossroad in the care and use of its living marine resources. At no point in history has greater economic, political and public pressure been put on public regulators to provide optimal stewardship of these resources. We must look into the future to determine the science, management and institutional requirements needed to obtain the tremendous potential value from these resources that constituent citizens expect and deserve. This look into the future points us to a path of rebuilding and sustaining fishery and protected species stocks to their long-term potential, and results in a delicate balance of achieving multiple objectives that produce the greatest benefits to the World Community.
The 1981 Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada on Pacific Coast Albacore Tuna Vessels and Port Privileges (Treaty) was amended and recently approved by the governments of both member countries. The Treaty establishes vessel marking, record keeping, and reporting requirements for U.S. albacore tuna fishing vessel operators and vessel marking and reporting requirements for Canadian albacore tuna fishing vessel operators fishing under the Treaty. The intended effect of The Treaty is to allow Both Parties to carry out their obligations under the Treaty by limiting fishing by both U.S. and Canadian vessels as provided for in the Treaty. Enforcement of the terms of the treaty for U.S. vessels is the responsibility of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service, and enforcement of the terms of the treaty for Canadian vessels is the responsibility of the Canadian Fisheries and Oceans.
ShipCom, L.L.C. has been designated as the official Reporting Office for both U.S. and Canadian Vessels fishing under terms of The Treaty. Vessels must first register with ShipCom and then may make Hail-In and Hail-Out reports using almost any communications means available to the modern commercial mariner. This Web Site has been provided by ShipCom as a courtesy to vessels fishing under the treaty to assist them in registering, reporting, and complying with the terms of the treaty.

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