Economics: Welcome to the Offshore Energy & Minerals Management Economics Division
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Photo of wind turbines in deep waterPhoto of a fishPhoto of a wetlandPhoto of a platform with three boatsPhoto of a killer whalePhoto of a welder working on an offshore platformPhoto of a platform in water and behind a snowy mountainPhoto of three oil refinery faucetsPhoto of a wind energy farm
Welcome to the Offshore Energy & Minerals Management Economics Division

The Economics Division conducts economic, statistical, engineering and cost-benefit analyses to evaluate and implement policies for the energy and minerals programs relating to lease terms, bidding systems, auction designs, operating conditions and rulemaking, as well as to ensure receipt of fair market value for the rights to produce offshore energy and mineral resources. It also develops and maintains economic and statistical models and databases in support of sale design, resource evaluation, post-sale and operational activities, rulemaking, revenue sharing and royalty relief programs, and generates economic assumptions and scenarios for use in post-sale tract evaluations and in applications for royalty relief. The Economics Division is comprised of a team of interdisciplinary experts that provide economic analysis to other Departments, Bureaus and Executive Agencies in support of energy and mineral leasing policies and national energy strategies.

Address:   Minerals Management Service              Fax:   (703) 787-1141

                Economics Division, MS 4050

                381 Elden Street

                Herndon, VA 20170

Last Updated: 03/19/2009, 11:40 AM Central Time