
Climate Icon

NOAA is charged with helping society understand, plan for, and respond to climate variability and change. This is achieved through the development and delivery of climate information services, the implementation of a global observing system, and focused research and modeling to understand key climate processes.  The NOAA climate mission is an end-to-end endeavor focused on providing a predictive understanding of the global climate system so the public can incorporate the information and products into their decisions.

NOAA is a key participating agency in the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) as well as other significant international, national, and regional activities

NOAA’s climate programs are focused on three themes:

NOAA’s operational climate program monitors and forecasts short-term climate fluctuations and provides information on the effects climate patterns can have on the nation.

NOAA's Climate Program Office manages competitive grant programs, leads NOAA climate international, education and outreach activities, and coordinates climate activities across NOAA.