food |  | 
Alefredo Villas unloads watermelons arriving from northern Mexico for inspection. Villas works for G & F, the company that unloads the trucks for the federal inspectors.
By David M. Sanders for USA TODAY
The Food and Drug Administration is failing to meet its goals for auditing food-safety inspections...more

Inauguration documentary

President Obama leads the parade, experts discuss the challenges he faces and Americans celebrate at balls and in the streets in the final chapters of "America’s Journey,” an inauguration documentary.

Headlines from

Chuck Raasch: New Politics

More than any other position in sports, a football quarterback must absorb a view of the entire whole field, make a decision and then relentlessly stick with it as if the entire game depended on it. The late Jack Kemp was the consummate quarterback-politician.

Inauguration multimedia

Watch or read the address Obama gave at the Capitol.
Click through the parade route and get a close-up look.
Inaugural speech audio for every president since '33.
360-degree view of Obama's inaugural address.
Ken Burns, Judith Jamison, and more...
Read our new White House blog, The Oval.

Washington guide

Washington Citizens Center

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