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Idaho Anemometer Loan Program

Idaho Anemometer Loan Program

Date: 7/1/2002

Location: ID

Contact: Gerald Fleischman, Engineer, Idaho Office of Energy Resources

The Idaho Anemometer Loan Program makes available 14 anemometers for loan to parties in Idaho. The anemometers are 20-meter NRG Wind Explorer units. The loan is accomplished through a no-cost lease to the borrowing party. The lessee gets the use of the anemometer for a minimum period of one year. The lessee must install and return the anemometer him or herself. Lessees send in their data chips to the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL), which analyzes the data, posts it on the INEEL Web site, and returns the data chip to the lessee.

Key Partners

Idaho Office of Energy Resources, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Bonneville Power Administration

Additional Contacts

Gary Seifert
Manager Power Systems
INEEL - Renewable Energy and Power Technologies
Phone: 208-526-9522

Kurt Myers
INEEL - Renewable Energy and Power Technologies
Phone: 208-526-5022

Dick Stroh
Agricultural Engineer
Bonneville Power Administration
Phone: 208-524-8763



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