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Tide Predictions and Data

Tidal Current Predictions and Data

Having Problems Accessing Data

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Frequently Asked Questions

Tide Predictions and Data

  1. What other web sites have tide predictions on them?
  2. What is the difference between "Tide Charts" and "Tide Tables"?
  3. What are the "Perigean Spring Tides"? Do they cause coastal flooding?
  4. Are there tides in the Great Lakes?
  5. Where can I find information on the 100-year, 50-year, 10-year tide levels?
  6. I am trying to set my clock/watch to predict the tides. The instructions ask for the Lunitidal Interval, how can I find that?
  7. How can I find information on the range of the tides?
  8. Where are the highest tides?
  9. It appears that the range of the tides gets larger the further the location from the equator. What causes this?
  10. Are the stations presented on your web site the only ones that tide predictions are available for?
  11. How can I get tide predictions for next year or any year?
  12. What formats are tide predictions available in?
  13. How accurate are the predictions?
  14. Where can I get tide predictions for locations outside the United States?
  15. How can I get a copy of the program that you use to make tide predictions?
  16. I want to develop my own program to predict the tides. What information can you provide me with which will help me do this?
  17. A few years ago I was able to obtain books with the Tide and Tidal Current predictions for the entire US coast from the Government Printing Office. I do not seem to be able to find them now. Are they still being produced by the Federal Government?

Tidal Current Predictions and Data

  1. What tidal current predictions and observed current data are available?
  2. How can I get predictions of tidal currents?
  3. What formats are tidal current predictions available in?
  4. Where can I get information about the Gulf Stream?
  5. Where can I get information about currents in the ocean?
  6. How can I get a copy of the program that you use to make tidal current predictions?
  7. I want to develop my own program to predict tidal currents.
    What information can you provide me with which will help me do this?

Having Problems Accessing Data

  1. The tide predictions on your WWW page are out of date, how can I get up-to-date predictions?
  2. I've accessed the Data Resources portion of your WWW site, but when I try to use the retrieval forms I don't get any response. Is your data server timing out, or what is the problem?
  3. Your inventory form listed some data, but when I tried to use the verified water level form to retrieve the data, I got an error message. What is the problem?

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