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June 26-27, 2008
Meeting Agenda


Courtyard Marriott Magnificent Mile
165 East Ontario Street
Chicago, IL
(312) 573-0800



9:00 am

Session 1: Ethical Challenges of Expanded Newborn Screening

Council Discussion of Staff Working Paper

10:15 am Break

10:30 am    

Session 2: Ethical Questions in the Reform of Health and Medical Care

Remarks by the Chairman

12 Noon Lunch break

2:00 pm

Session 3: Ethical Questions in the Reform of Health and Medical Care: A Panel on Three Policy Proposals

Stephanie Woolhandler, M.D., Harvard Medical School

Len Nichols, Ph.D., New America Foundation

James Capretta, Ethics and Public Policy Center

3:30 pm



3:45 pm

Session 4: Ethical Questions in the Reform of Health and Medical Care: A Panel on Three Policy Proposals, continued


5:00 pm




FRIDAY, June 27

9:00 am

Session 5: Ethical Questions in the Reform of Health and Medical Care: The Significance of the American Political Tradition

Andrew Busch, Ph.D., Claremont McKenna College

Lawrence Jacobs, Ph.D., University of Minnesota

10:00 am Break

10:15 am

Session 6: Ethical Questions in the Reform of Health and Medical Care: The Significance of the American Political Tradition, continued

11:00 am Session 7: Public Comments

11:15 am Adjournment

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