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July 11-12, 2002
Meeting Agenda

Ritz-Carlton Hotel
1150 22nd Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037



9:00 a.m. Session 1: Human Cloning (Final): Council's Report to the President.

Chairman's Welcome and Opening Remarks

9:30 am Member Comments
10:00 am Press Availability

10:15 am    


10:45 am Session 2: Regulation 5: Patentability of Human Organisms 3.
Staff Working Paper #8 , "Patenting Human Organisms."



1:00 pm Session 3: Stem Cells 4: NIH Funding of Stem Cell Research (Implementation).

Dr. Wendy Baldwin, Office of Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health.

2:30 pm


3:00 pm Session 4: Enhancement 2: Potential for Genetic Enhancement in Sports.

Dr. Ted Friedmann, University of California-San Diego, and Chairman, Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC).
4:30 pm Adjournment

FRIDAY, July 12

8:30 am

Session 5: Toward a "Richer Bioethics": Are We Our Bodies?
Discussion of " Whither Thou Goest " by Richard Selzer, M.D.

10:00 am Break

10:30 am

Session 6: Agenda of the Council (Discussion of Possible Future Projects).

11:30 am Session 7: Public Comments

12:30 pm Adjournment

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